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Khoza604 t1_jdvj03d wrote

If there is anything I know about China these are purely for the good of the African people and this deal isn't filled with predatory legal language. Also America bad, china bot army smart handsome extremely endowed.

I love how all the new comments are very coincidentally at 8-9am in China. Social credit for all of you good boys.


nobody_smith723 t1_jdy3e7q wrote

Because generations of white imperialism Had done wonders for Africa?


EvergreenEnfields t1_jdyifu0 wrote

Zimbabwe went from the breadbasket of Africa to a failed state under local rule within a few years, because they threw the baby out with the bathwater.


nobody_smith723 t1_jdyqa7w wrote

not really sure what you're trying to say. almost as if being at the mercy of brutal imperialism from the west has left many african nations ripe for corruption of western propped up institutions and predatory monetary policy. zimbabwe's total national debt is 10 billion dollars. which denies them access to investment incentives at favorable rates. Do you know how laughably tiny 10 billion dollars is next to the wealth raped from that country by western nations. but... because they were subject to routine oppressive rule. they're maid to toil and figure their way forward underneath shitty western monetary policy.

where as... china doesn't give a shit about idiotic western policy and is happy to enter partnership with them ...mainly to secure mineral/energy resources


EvergreenEnfields t1_jdyy0sf wrote

It's almost like running the only people who knew how to farm out of the country immediately was a bad choice, instead of forcing them to teach others. Zimbabwe had no need to go into billions of dollars of debt. It happened because they allowed a purely self interested dictator to take the reigns.


Socksandsh0es t1_jdxy74s wrote

How much Social points were you paid to make this comment?


[deleted] t1_jdvy9jr wrote



ProShortKingAction t1_jdxqskd wrote

Belt and Road initiative loans are relatively low compared to other sources you would go to for a project like this like the IMF who would be saddling you with a higher interest rate and a bunch of stipulations involving how you can run your economy. The debt trap isn't anything on the surface it's that China is giving these loans to historically unstable countries that no other source would be willing to lend to because there is no guarantee they will be economically stable. So you take the loan because of course you will be the one to turn your country around and keep the boat from tipping over and then a nearby harvest fails, bread prices go up, and everything goes to shit. Now here you are stuck with this loan and no capacity to repay it


LogRepulsive5113 t1_jdwrslw wrote



[deleted] t1_jdxezau wrote



lori_lightbrain t1_jdy8agx wrote

lmao that's not even a valid wiki URL


ShaunDark t1_jdz22e8 wrote

New reddit thing, has been going on for years. They changed something in the interpreter and afaik if someone posts a link with an underscore there will be a backslash before it in old reddit and on certain mobile apps. Opening the comment in new reddit and probably the native app should work. Or removing the backslash.


No_Mixture8354 t1_jdzu5k7 wrote

bro you making it sound like everything in the world isn’t for benefit after all💀if it is a win win then it is good enough