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CountingDownTheDays- t1_jc7c91p wrote

Pretty sure this is textbook Eugenics. Picking and choosing the traits you want.


KickBassColonyDrop t1_jc7y8kg wrote

The thing is. One way or another, selective genetic engineering and eugenics wars will be a thing in the future. If not on this planet, then in space or on the moon or beyond. If the civilization is to ever advance beyond the boundary of this planet, genetic engineering is inevitable.


Strazdas1 t1_jcadvsk wrote

Yes. Eugenics is a good thing. It being misused in the pasts does not make it bad any more than hitler being vegan makes vegetables bad for you.


CountingDownTheDays- t1_jcay3vk wrote

I'm not saying it's bad just calling it out for what it is. For years I've heard people talk about eugenics, and now I see them calling it "CRISPR babies". Almost like their trying to rebrand it lol. If used for the right reasons eugenics can be a good thing. But I think we both know that rich people will end up getting the best of this technology and using it for themselves and their offspring, making the class divide even bigger. They will be able to pick and choose the traits they want like being more intelligent, physically stronger, etc. It's a very slippery slope.


Strazdas1 t1_jcedkvb wrote

Of course they are going to rebrand it. Eugenics as a word has so much negative baggage this may be the first time i didnt get downvoted to hell when i said its not a bad thing.

And thats why we have to push for this technology to be available to everyone, so the class divide wouldnt get so wide. The rich is going to use it whether we like it or not, the only way we can equalize the field is if we use it ourselves.