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savuporo OP t1_je2sltf wrote

> I'm sorry, but did this person just say that making it ourselves isn't good enough and we should just subsidize asian industries?

No, you apparently didn't read the article. What the editors letter is saying is that just throwing money at the problem isn't doing what's expected.

They point out three major flaws in the current plan - flaws that pretty much anyone in the industry could have predicted


Prophayne_ t1_je2veb7 wrote

Literally, the first paragraph (which I read) mentions how the "simple solution" is subsidies "prudently applied" and then talks about the merits of the asian sector over ours in the following. Thats literally the first half of the article. Also, subsidizing all these fucking corps to do our shit for us is literally how were here in the first place with most our industry shipped offshore.