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Cold-Advance-5118 t1_jci8yaj wrote

Why would an ethical firm buy this? They are probably going to make big changes to it.


VelveteenAmbush t1_jcilkfj wrote

It's one of those things where if it's right there in the name, you start to wonder if they're protesting too much. Like Truth Social...


drawkbox t1_jcivo4f wrote

Definitely a front. There has been some consolidation in porn sites and MindGeek owner has been all sorts of attacks. They even burned his house down. It was some organized crime stuff. This ECP is on the sketch list for sure. Sounds like Ethos Capital that tried to buy .ORG TLD as a private equity firm.

Montreal mansion of Pornhub owner destroyed in criminal fire

Investigations should start on ECP right away.


[deleted] t1_jcimejq wrote



gutyex t1_jckxe5d wrote

No mainstream US politicians fit the definition of socialist very well.

Even Bernie Sanders is just barely left of center in global terms, with the Democratic party slightly right of center. The USA's overton window is skewed very far to the right.


Ratnix t1_jcjkcpx wrote

Because they likely feel they will be able to get a nice return on their investment before they implode Pornhub.


jumpup t1_jciaor7 wrote

equity, not ethical


Madforce2k2 t1_jcib3sk wrote

In fairness, the quotation does say Ethical 😂


Westfakia t1_jcibzfm wrote

I think it says both. But I’m not going to bother to check, let’s just all go with a common assumption.


uzlonewolf t1_jcikllr wrote

No, it is ethical:

> Ethical Capital Partners (ECP), ... ECP's website describes itself as a firm that seeks "investment and advisory opportunities in industries that require principled ethical leadership."


Mront t1_jcjykr6 wrote

Sure, and North Korea is a democratic republic
