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Taxing t1_jcni5oe wrote

Cool, engaging discussion. Don’t challenge yourself in anyway, you’ve got it figured out already, and anyone who shares anything that doesn’t fit, be mean.


Forsaken_Ad6559 t1_jcnig4p wrote

I've heard and already dismissed everything you could possibly tell me on the matter. It is all obfuscation and bullshit. Don't care, go away.


Taxing t1_jcnjrtl wrote

If there were a market for stupidity, I’d want drilling rights to your head.


Forsaken_Ad6559 t1_jcnjxe2 wrote

Very engaging argument you've got there douchebag. At the end of the day it turns out you actually were just full of shit!


ThirdFloorGreg t1_jcnubui wrote

It's really not that hard to understand. Tax policy has multiple goals, and revenue is the only simple one. The big one is incentivizing beneficial behaviors like investment.


puckmama1010 t1_jcp4w81 wrote

Beneficial behaviors like investment? Benefits who? Trying to out talk the 99%ers is old. We don’t give a crap about all of the economic speak that is thrown around as wealthy folks get bailed out by the government while their heads explode if we talk about forgiving student loan debt


ThirdFloorGreg t1_jcpe2rg wrote

Investement stimulates economic activity. As a super simple example, it can make it possible to start a business without already having the necessary capital. The alternative to investing money is simply hoarding it, which benefits no one but the person who has it. Money really only exists when it is in motion, and investment keeps it in motion. I'm sorry the world isn't as simple as you would like it to be.


puckmama1010 t1_jcr35t2 wrote

It’s not about simple. It’s about favoritism. You guys all act like we are stupid. We are not. We are tired of the “these guys help you” routine. Guess what? Everyone that took on college debt so your investments can succeed deserve equal treatment by the folks in DC that decide who gets bailed out