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robot_jeans t1_jedx25e wrote

They do know that an account can be created anonymously right? This is how it will go down. Github will release the account info, the user email will be elonisadouche at gmail. Now they will have to get a court order to find out from google who elonisadouche is.


Icy-Letter-3514 t1_jedzzw2 wrote

Pasty Satan gets his source code.. can now go back to the sunless underworld he came from


RevRagnarok t1_jee0q1q wrote

(Emphasis mine:)

> The subpoena specifically requires GitHub to disclose the name, address, telephone number, email address, social media profile information, and IP address of any user associated with the account that uploaded the code, which goes by the username “FreeSpeechEnthusiast”— perhaps a nod to Elon Musk’s fallible attempts at being a “free speech absolutist.” GitHub must also provide Twitter with the same information of anyone who downloaded the code from FreeSpeechEnthusiast’s posting.

LOL idiots you don't need to log into GH to download...


p0stmodern- t1_jeemhmp wrote

good fucking luck, I found someone who leaked a bunch of personal information of mine on GitHub and despite me giving GitHub multiple forms of ID to confirm who I am, linking to it multiple times and examining in detail why they should take it down I've spent the past week getting canned "sorry, nothing :)" responses from support


Past_My_Subprime t1_jefatvn wrote

> Twitter believes the source of the leak could be an engineer that left the San Francisco office at some point last year.

Well, that narrows it down.


NotShey t1_jegkr0h wrote

I'm sure you can create an account from any custom domain you want.

Hell, no reason you couldn't host your own mail server in a VPS in Argentina and be more or less entirely unidentifiable.

As long as it can receive mail it should work.