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HickoryTacos t1_je0nmci wrote

Simple solution: don’t eat at Panera. Food’s overpriced and not very good anyway.


c-student t1_je0pnao wrote

I shop at Whole Foods at least 2x/week, and I've not once seen a person use the palm scanner to check out.


This_Freggin_Guy t1_je0pvbb wrote

not sure how 'hand reader' can be categorized as 'contact-less'. I assume you need to touch your hand to a pad?


gullydowny t1_je0qwtm wrote

Those poor employees are going to have to ask every single customer if they’re a palm member and then have an answer for why the fuck anyone would want that


Kurotan t1_je0rua4 wrote

And that's the end of Panera as a business.


itsdefinitely2021 t1_je0t6tj wrote

  1. Why would they want this over literally anything else
  2. Why would *I* want this as a customer.
  3. No more questions.

Hrmbee t1_je1oopl wrote

>Over the next few months, the bakery-café chain will roll out scanners that can access customers' credit card and loyalty account using their palm. The biometric-gathering technology, developed by Amazon and called Amazon One, is already popular in airports, stadiums and Whole Foods Market grocery stores. Panera is expected to become the first national restaurant company to use it. > >... > >"In contrast with biometric systems like Apple's Face ID and Touch ID or Samsung Pass, which store biometric information on a user's device, Amazon One reportedly uploads biometric information to the cloud, raising unique security risks," the senators' letter to Amazon CEO Andy Jassy said.

When I first read the headline, I wondered what kind of technological capabilities a company like Panera might have. However, seeing that they're going to be using Amazon One things make a lot more sense.

For me, a server-based biometric system for retail purchases is pretty much a non-starter. I wonder how many other retailers will be signing on with this particular system, and what benefits a server-based system brings to them.


thomasjmarlowe t1_je1ujn1 wrote

I can’t imagine too many scenarios where I’d gladly turn over biometric data to a private company. But surely it won’t be to pay for a You Pick Two


K----_ST t1_je23oqb wrote

I mean, filters on social media sites are essentially scanning your face and people do it every other second. As an aside, the other day I took a picture of my dog. I was looking through the photo and then happened to press my thumb down on my dog in the photo. It suddenly did a mini-pop out of my dog like picking a selection--apple contoured my dog to recognize that it's a dog in the picture. I'm reverting to my old camera, cause that is creepy af.


MorbidSloth t1_je2e7zy wrote

Their soup comes in a bag and they just warm it up for you. FYI


thecreep t1_je2rhrp wrote

This really feels like trying to solve a problem that doesn't exist. Is tapping your card so much harder than allowing your hand to be scanned?


moitch t1_je3268q wrote

On my Android phone I noticed my pictures were being automatically tagged. Scenery, Vehicles, Beach, Food, Animals, etc. And they were accurately tagged. I didn't tag them or upload them anywhere. Clearly my phone is scanning my pictures using some sort of recognition software.


aidenr t1_je3iizb wrote

Annheiser-Busch has your best interest at heart, for sure.


thecreep t1_je7zgq7 wrote

It is is easier to steal a credit card for sure. However is the potential biometric security risk worth it? If a CC is stolen most places can cancel the card in minutes and even reverse any charges that may have been made. Digital wallets may also be more secure. This just feels like a "cool" convenience, and too many companies opt for these to entice customers while overlooking potential risks.


NanditoPapa t1_je808uc wrote

I'm personally not in favor of biometrics, but I live in a country where CC theft isn't a big issue (Japan). I'm not sure if living in the US with skimmers, pickpockets, and muggings would change the narrative around security. There's also a convenience angle. On a date you can't claim you forgot your wallet when the bill comes...

It comes down to "Do we trust companies?" The answer, uniformly, should be "No." and that's the end of it.


thecreep t1_je81cil wrote

I think that's the big thing for me. My distrust for companies, especially those operating here in the US, is high enough that I aim to give them as little extra data as possible. I've worked for too many companies and startups here to see that their handing of Personal Identifiable Information (PII) is quite often a joke.