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WALKAW t1_jd9ueyn wrote

You dont see a difference between some exclusivity deals and buying massive multiplatform publishers to make popular multiplatform franchises exclusive forever?

Are you brain dead?

A FF game released on Xbox just a few months ago.

Is Sony buying Sega justified because Xbox has some third party exclusivity deals


JadeitePenguin1 t1_jdaxzgf wrote

A FF game not developed by square and most likely subject to different license agreements was released on xbox.....where is 7? Or 15?

"You dont see a difference between some exclusivity deals and buying massive multiplatform publishers to make popular multiplatform franchises exclusive forever?"

List me a time Microsoft took a popular IP and made it only on xbox after the 360....right you can't! Let's look at minecraft a very popular IP and Microsoft kept it on Playstation.....minecraft could easily sell a shit ton of consoles especially given Microsoft bought it but they didn't, so it wouldn't make any sense to do it other IPs that sell as well.

Not to mention that's not the point of this argument! That wasn't the original argument so don't try to change it!