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donsanedrin t1_jdds3sb wrote

> Again find help! If you need to be in this level of denial where you're basically just saying no to facts you need help!

You've literally presented no facts.

And when I ask you to present them, you just start throwing empty platitudes.

> "Bloodborne was co-developed with Sony."

> There's nothing I can find to back that up! Nothing!

I literally showed you the part where Sony approached From Software for the project.

> "Bloodborne is entirely funded by Sony, since its conception."

> O wait you just don't understand how game development works.....fuck off! Funded ISN'T CREATED! The game would've been made anyways!

Oh man. You really don't anything, and now you are screaming at this point.

> "Show me where that is bought? Where's the deal for that?"

> Well for RE7 Idk the fact it's not on pc when it wouldn't be that hard to port especially when the game was very thinking that fucking hard???

You're "proof" PC gamers port-begging for something that they didn't get?

Capcom allowed RE4 to be remade entirely in VR. But they didn't do it, Meta/Oculus had another studio, Armature Studio, do that job. ** You think Sony "permanently" bought out the rights to VR for RE7?** LOL that's your theory?

> Funny how you magically missed the news that Sony didn't do a temporary agreement with that game and others....

> O and you magically ignore silent hill remaster as well that's not suspicious at all...


> There's your fucking proof! and no xbox legally can't lie about that.

"Xbox can't legally lie about that"

Oh my goodness, you are screaming at your computer screen at this point. Actually Xbox straight up revealed that they lied to consumers and media about their console userbase when people read the documents from the CMA report last month. Alot of numbers displaying growth in their "Active Users" and Console size were significantly smaller than what they have been saying publicly.

So, they lied to somebody. And they did it for marketing reasons, I suppose.

Once again..........I'm going to ask you a simple question. Did Sony buy out Konami to get Silent Hill?

> There was a new FF game it was made by a different developer which is why it was allowed(and was shit) and Microsoft paid for a ton of Japanese games for gamepass and to come to Xbox like persona 5, I mean they even made a ton of Square games as well so it doesn't make sense they would just not pay for FF7 remake.

Oh man, look at this.

For starters, I already explained to you how Square Enix can release Final Fantasy 7 Remake to Xbox. They can get around it by producing a completely different sku, that would no longer be under any such temporary exclusivity agreements.

Call it a "Complete Edition" and that's literally a different product name, and a product sku. And they can now sell it to Xbox.

That is what makes the agreement temporary. In other words, Sony is not doing what Microsoft is attempting to do with buying out a company entirely for permanent control over an entire IP.

Now you have excuses for Final Fantasy 15. Sorry those simply aren't going to work. You are now a babbling gaming fanboy at this point.

Microsoft paid for Persona 5 to come to gamepass??????? And that has WHAT to do with FF15, exactly?

Your theory is that FF15 was "allowed" on Xbox back in 2016 because Microsoft brought Persona 5 to GamePass in the year 2022?

Your incoherently babbling.

Take your own advice. Seek help. You can't prove a point to save your life.


JadeitePenguin1 t1_jde24cy wrote

'For starters, I already explained to you how Square Enix can release Final Fantasy 7 Remake to Xbox. They can get around it by producing a completely different sku, that would no longer be under any such temporary exclusivity agreements."

And that was proven wrong....

No Microsoft legally can't fucking lie about that! They said it in court! Meaning if they did lie it Sony would've said so already....

The fact I gave you proof and all you did was cry is proof you have no clue what you're talking about.


donsanedrin t1_jde5fb7 wrote

> And that was proven wrong....

No it wasn't. I actually referred you to the Metal Gear Solid HD Collection. None of the Metal Gear Solid games were ever individually made for XBox, besides MGS2.

Yet they all eventually ended up on Xbox when combined as a collection.

The same thing could happen with FF7 Remake Parts 1, 2, and I dunno if there's a Part 3. But afterwards, it can be combined and ASSIGNED A DIFFERENT TITLE, making it an entirely new sku

And this would bypass any temporary exclusivity agreement.

Not to mention that any such agreement is never permanent.

Quite frankly, I don't really care to assure you of your ridiculous fanboy complaints.

> No Microsoft legally can't fucking lie about that! They said it in court! Meaning if they did lie it Sony would've said so already....

They literally lied to the outside world about their active userbase numbers.

Once again, the exclusivity can be circumvented by Square-Enix, and almost certainly will be. As I already explained.

Why are you yelling?

> The fact I gave you proof and all you did was cry is proof you have no clue what you're talking about.

No, you didn't give me proof.

You gave me a completely unfounded claim, that you have seen that those things are NEVER PERMANENT.

Buying out Activision to own Call of PERMANENT.

There's really nothing you can say that changes that.

EDIT: Looks like I've outed another fanboy who went on a full fanboy meltdown. Poor guy was literally screaming at his computer at the end. And then proceeded to block me so that it looks like he could have the last word

He kept on screaming "STOP LYING!!!!"....and never once bother to explain, demonstrate, or provide anything that would be considered information or evidence, or even explanation/narrative to...y'know......actually prove I was lying.

He just kept on repeating it like as if he was using the phrase to express his own personal discontent. Like as if I was hurting him by the points I was making.

These Xbox fanboys are something. I'd rather wish that they were paid astroturfers because I could respect that more.


JadeitePenguin1 t1_jdfhudc wrote

"No it wasn't. I actually referred you to the Metal Gear Solid HD Collection. None of the Metal Gear Solid games were ever individually made for XBox, besides MGS2."

No stop lying!

Like seriously if you have to lie you're wrong! The ONLY counter argument to that link I send would be another showing it being wrong! ANYTHING ELSE DOESN'T MATTER!

Again please find help you clearly have issues if you need to defend a shit company this hard.