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bahumat42 t1_je2rj9o wrote

>people didn’t work consistently, and were constantly having tech issues, or at least were using tech issues as an excuse to get out of work.

Thats either better technology needed or bad employees, either way thats on the company for making those choices.


Maximum-Carpet2740 t1_je2shj5 wrote

I employ people.

A lot of people are opportunists and some people like to test the edges to see just what and how much they can get away with.

That being said, large corporations usually have some type of protocol to follow where people are given many chances and where everything is documented before they’re terminated. And they have these processes for good reason. So they don’t get sued. It’s not as simple as just cutting the dead weight.


happybarfday t1_je39u14 wrote

And coming into the office stops people from being opportunists and fucking around on the job? That shit happens all the time. Either way you can let them go and hire people who will do the job.