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cartsucks t1_jdknx1x wrote

I wonder if Accenture will hire consultants to spend 4 years and $27.7 million to discover why this happened


Robbieopreddit t1_jdru922 wrote

They will assign juniors to perform the analysis and charge themselves top dollar.. von munchausen eat your heart out


miemcc t1_jdkxe2q wrote

Accenture are already a consultancy and management company. Most fucked up projects are that the customer doesn't have a clear idea on what they want, and that when the initial releases are avaliable (90% point), they change their minds or want to add on more functionality.

FYI - my partner is director level in a closely related company. She often fire-fights a lot of truely messed up projects.


NoRip7374 t1_jdlr5ba wrote

I think upper comment was sarcastic.


nfollin t1_jdma2qi wrote

Maybe not, consultant companies sell that idea pretty hard that only they are experts and know what they are doing. In my revisits in tech, they don't give a shit at all and do the bare minimum. Most are incredibly unqualified and titles are super inflated to sell higher rates. Often projects are done to exactly the minimum promised not what would help. Management consulting may be different but my wife was gaslight and has ptsd from her coworkers at a subsidiary there that focused on tech. Horrible company.


Berova t1_jdji1yl wrote

With so many companies cutting jobs and Fed rates continuing to rise, I don't see how the economy will not slow down or even contract. Then we'll be even more screwed because overall prices on daily goods and services the average household needs will remain high for the most part and taxes (especially property taxes) aren't going down anytime.


w3bCraw1er t1_jdjnlrj wrote

That’s the Fed goal to slow down the inflation. They want people to stop yoloing.


DOGE_lunatic t1_jdjbk7x wrote

They will be outsourced for sure.


miemcc t1_jdkvwde wrote

Accenture and other companies already out-source a lot. A lot of dev work is done in India or Eastern Europe.

This is more losing BAs and managers. A lot of companies assumed that Covid growth rates would continue, they haven't.


[deleted] t1_jdiywmn wrote

Good. They need to die a fiery death


sems4arsenal t1_jdjfaoo wrote

Why are they bad?


[deleted] t1_jdkc9gk wrote

They specialize in winning large government IT and software development contracts. They bill top dollar and drag projects on as long as possible, yet the people doing the actual coding are a bunch of Indians making like $20/hr (with all the quality you'd expect at that rate).

If you're looking for someone who can spend 6 months building one web page and charge you $2 million dollars for it, they're your guys.

Basically they're a giant leech on the public teat.


miemcc t1_jdkxpwv wrote

They definitely don't want to drag contracts out! They would lose money doing so. Follow-on work is usually due to the customers wanting to change or add to the objectives.


[deleted] t1_jdlcvsm wrote

I guess it's more of a side effect of hiring unskilled devs. I meant more that they always go way over budget and schedule.


NoRip7374 t1_jdlrac6 wrote

No, junior in Accenture in EU poor country make $12 per hour. I suppose, they are cutting higher paying positions in US, UK, Ireland...