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Several-Airline-2800 t1_jdplmf2 wrote

Authoritarianism is gross but central planning and one party rule is efficient at getting something done when it wants to.


Competitive-Cow-4177 t1_jdqc5f6 wrote

With this 6g technology right now it is not even certain it has no negative short-, mid- and / or longterm health effects on humans, animals & nature; any idea why they step over this obstacle so easy?

Only because mr. Xi his “credit” & the claim he, Xi Jinping is a god; he thinks he can do this? That is no reason.

Because there are likely more Gods IF there is one.

Or is it just another “mistake” of another “world leader” being “used” to make society even increasingly ready for more & more robots, without (traditional) leaderships knowing what this entails exactly .. sailing along with presented (new) technology .. clearly (?)

Accepting big amounts of cash, promises & goals without really thinking about the side-effects of certain (6g) development, just wanting to be the first / most powerful on Earth.
