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[deleted] t1_jd3qaei wrote



Adiwik t1_jd3u8xc wrote

once it gets to completely making vr worlds based upon words you choose, bruh we gonna get lazy and crazy! early holodeck dayzzz


Suolucidir t1_jd3v6c6 wrote

I picture Microsoft and Google like two merchants in a bustling marketplace, both generally minding their own business and selling wares from their booths next door to each other.

Over just the last few years, Microsoft quietly steps closer and closer to Google, slipping behind them while they are distracted by their overwhelming crowd of search customers.

Microsoft looks over Google's shoulder with seething envy while they go about their business being the definitive search leader for decades.

As customers, we can all see it. Microsoft tries hard and grows a bit with Bing, but seems destined to 2nd place forevermore. We can see Microsoft looking defeated day after day, because 2nd place just doesn't meet their personal ambitions.

Then suddenly Microsoft grabs a knife called OpenAI and violently stabs Google in front of everyone. It looks like it could be a fatal blow. Google crawls backward into their stall while everyone turns to Bing for ChatGPT access.

We all figure "Hey, maybe Google will heal up and come back out with a comparable offering soon," but they just cough a little blood(a failed chatbot demo) and it starts looking hopeless for them. We are surprised how fast the tables have turned, but Google will probably be OK given time. Right??

That's when we see Microsoft and they keep advancing right into Google's stall, where they are convalescing. Microsoft, still seething with unquenchable envy, and still weilding the knife(OpenAI), proceeds to stab Google again(Dall-E) in cold blood, right in front of everybody.

Could it be outright murder? It's possible imo. Google better hire a LOT of AI/ML talent fast.


Longjumping_Walk_305 t1_jd4x7hk wrote

Mind-blowing. Gotta use Edge with it but I can take a bit of Edge for some AI goodness.


SoldantTheCynic t1_jd68fpj wrote

Edge is growing on me lately. Some stuff to strip out but there a few neat features. Won’t convert the Firefox diehards but I prefer it to Chrome now.


typesett t1_jd44o2r wrote

i just tried it

yah, this is a game changer

people gonna need to adapt for AI stuff like this. i typed in a prompt to create something that came out pretty good. that image is unique, i can do whatever i want with it and it's decent quality. absolutely astounding for something i did in playing around with it for 5 minutes.


the_red_scimitar t1_jd4ligx wrote

It's kind of too bad Microsoft's login doesn't work with popular password managers. They have so little I need, that not being able to log in has been no problem. And I'm a Microsoft developer.

Their public offerings just stink, and have gotten consistently worse. Technical offerings are pretty much a joke - the disparity between what they tell you when they train you, and what actually happens in the real world is such a huge gulf, that it's hard to credit any claim Microsoft makes about its products. They consistently underperform, have critical bugs that have been multiply reported for decades, and I do mean decades, that get the most canned responses, some of them having thousands of corroborating reports. The whole Microsoft devops program is a huge failure. Their own products attest to this.