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cptnamr7 t1_jdb8bx5 wrote

Bowling for Soup has a song out called "Getting Old Sucks (but everybody's doing it)" Where they're pretty much the old guy-get-off-my-lawn guys. At one point they're listing off their health conditions and end the verse with "what the fuck is tiktok?". That pretty much sums it up. Very few people over the age of I would guess 35 even know what it actually is other than the news constantly telling them it's making all the kids crazy

Edit: holy shit this angered some folks. I'm 40. I don't know a single person that uses it, though their kids do. That's the extent. I was agreeing with the original comment here that this dude seems to be full of shit if he's going to claim it's mostly used by young professionals.


EqualityZucchini t1_jdbfm2x wrote

Bro I'm not angry but people over 40 know what TikTok is.

You remind me of those people in 2010 who claimed people over 30 couldn't use a smartphone. Or the same in 2000 for the Internet.

I'm.sure there are some slow learners out there but it's not like cloud computing or something. Most people know what TikTok is.

My mom is pushing 70. She knows what TikTok is.


Kino_Loy t1_jdbd1aj wrote

this is an out of touch shit take - the planet knows tiktok by now


Keepitbrockmire t1_jdb9a30 wrote

I would quite disagree with the very few people over 30 years.

Regardless of opinion or usage, people know of the ‘tik tok’


SmokingBirdz t1_jdbaydh wrote

You’re crazy if you think people in their 30’s don’t know what tik tok is lol. Maybe 50, but 30 year olds are either on tik tok themselves, or know exactly what it is but don’t have one themselves.


listur65 t1_jdbc4mb wrote

I'm 37 and don't know a single person in my age range who doesn't either use it or know exactly what it is. If you changed your 30 to 45 or 50(Coincidently Bowling for Soups age) I would agree.


ForeverJung t1_jdbdsrb wrote

You have to raise your age range higher. 50 sounds old but it’s really not these days. I know plenty of folks at or approaching that range that all know TikTok


AnotherSoulessGinger t1_jdbgu9b wrote

I am pushing 50 - I know about it but don’t use it. Most of my peer group knows it but doesn’t use it. We’re stuck on Facebook so we can keep our elderly parents up to date.

My mother in law is almost 70 and she was chiding me for not using TikTok. But she’s an anomaly, I think.