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bubster15 t1_jdf2rq4 wrote

I’m the opposite. I’m 28 and know a lot of people including myself that suffered a mental health crisis from social media consumption and I don’t touch it with a 10 foot pole now. No regrets, holy hell did that shit consume me and others. I’m glad to be more rooted in the physical world now, it has brought me an immense amount more happiness.

I know very few people that talk about the app or care about it in a meaningful way, I cannot imagine people my age lashing out at a ban whatsoever. Adults have more important things going on and there are dozens of alternatives that aren’t owned by a country that views us as it’s mortal enemy and banned our social media without hesitation.

We are drastically overestimating the backlash to this decision to ban them, which is a prudent decision based on the CCPs own statements, countless vague threats and aggressive anti-democracy and U.S. rhetoric


FeezusChrist t1_jdf4t45 wrote

“Adults have more important things going on and there are dozens of alternatives that aren't owned by a country that views us as it's mortal enemy and banned our social media without hesitation”

A reason TikTok is particularly popular is because it’s not controlled by our government or big tech that dominates U.S media. On TikTok you are exposed to news and content that the media simply does not cover. For example, how much U.S media coverage do you see of the France protests against raising the age of retirement? You see it a lot on TikTok, rarely covered otherwise by the media. I wonder if there’s a conflict of interest?

And saying adults have more important things to do is so pretentious, you’re on Reddit right now so you’re already invalidating your own implication of social media being some low form of entertainment.


skilliard7 t1_jdf6vik wrote

> I’m 28 and know a lot of people including myself that suffered a mental health crisis from social media consumption and I don’t touch it with a 10 foot pole now.

You say this yet you're on a social media account that you seem to post very regularly to. I don't understand.


bubster15 t1_jdf98il wrote

Yes true. I allow Reddit because I actually have a ton of friendly interactions on it and usually makes me laugh! Fair point though. I deleted twitter, Facebook and insta permanently and haven’t looked back, those are all huge wins for me and my mental health

Shows how easy it is to get sucked back in. I catch myself all the time sinking back to the habit.
