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drawkbox t1_jcg8ch7 wrote

They definitely had some schemes, also why they wanted their own store to pull more of this.

> In a complaint announced in December as part of a settlement package with Epic, the FTC said that Epic deployed a variety of design tricks known as dark patterns aimed at getting consumers of all ages to make unintended in-game purchases. Fortnite’s counterintuitive, inconsistent, and confusing button configuration led players to incur unwanted charges based on the press of a single button. The company also made it easy for children to make purchases while playing Fortnite without requiring any parental consent. According to the FTC’s complaint, Epic also locked the accounts of customers who disputed unauthorized charges with their credit card companies.

The most egregious part

> According to the FTC’s complaint, Epic also locked the accounts of customers who disputed unauthorized charges with their credit card companies.

I love Unreal Engine, Epic Games needs to stop messing around before they ruin it.


terrymr t1_jchvu00 wrote

>According to the FTC’s complaint, Epic also locked the accounts of customers who disputed unauthorized charges with their credit card companies.

There's far too much of this going on. All kinds of service providers will ban you from their platform for any chargebacks. Kind of negates the protection that you're paying for with a credit card.