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OptionalFTW t1_jchwpvu wrote

Oh no. A camera recognized your face just like a person can! WHATEVER WILL WE DO?!

my fucking Christ can we all collectively worry about shit that matters?


BasielBob t1_jck9kvn wrote

A person is not going to build an accurate database of your every movement for the next 20 years and sell it to anyone who pays.


damon459 t1_jcisyk0 wrote

Who decides what matters? You? This matters to the people filing a class action lawsuit against a company who’s knowingly violating the law…


SuccessfulSapien t1_jcitiue wrote

Privacy and criminal corporations don't matter? I'd be interested to hear your list of priorities.


OptionalFTW t1_jcj4vcj wrote

Not caring if someone saw my face or read my emails isnt even anywhere in my list. I have nothing to hide. Do you?


SuccessfulSapien t1_jckb873 wrote

"I have nothing to hide" is not the way to approach privacy.

You didn't answer my question.