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thieh t1_je7o5ni wrote

I wonder what modification is needed for using this on a type 2. And then every obese guy would be like: "At least I charge my own cellphones."


GoneHippocamping_ t1_je7t7l8 wrote

Insulin dependant type 2 diabetes isn't much different from Type 1 diabetes.


mozambiznatch t1_je8160a wrote

It’s very different. The pathology is different.


ChumbawumbaFan01 t1_je838ys wrote

Right, Type 1 diabetics can’t produce insulin, but their body can use insulin. Type 2 diabetics produce insulin but can’t use it. Insulin dependent Type 2 diabetics would still need a way to use the insulin they make.


urqlite t1_je7y0zb wrote

Salt probably helps 😂 Isn’t it ironic that the thing that causes diabetes is also the same thing that’s used to counter it? 🤔


jx3z_o t1_je7ytpn wrote

Totally read this as powdered sugar implant.