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iamapizza t1_jcvp1lo wrote

I didn't know this, even back in 2021 India was already leading with the number of internet shutdowns.


9-11GaveMe5G t1_jcwkmli wrote

"worlds largest democracy" leading the world in authoritarian crackdowns. Seems fine


[deleted] t1_jcvr55s wrote



[deleted] t1_jcvv8ur wrote



[deleted] t1_jcw0qd2 wrote



[deleted] t1_jcw2ohb wrote



[deleted] t1_jcw33nc wrote



[deleted] t1_jcwaj45 wrote



[deleted] t1_jcw0jf6 wrote



[deleted] t1_jcw3dj1 wrote



[deleted] t1_jcw3hdf wrote



[deleted] t1_jcw4fpp wrote



[deleted] t1_jcw4kf7 wrote



lori_lightbrain t1_jcw97ap wrote

> I didn't know this, even back in 2021 India was already leading with the number of internet shutdowns. > >

how could china do this


MrBillyLotion t1_jcvr7i5 wrote

That kind of move is really going to motivate the populace to get involved


empirebuilder1 t1_jcwbl4z wrote

"Huh, there's the guy i heard the police are looking for. Sure would be neat if I had some way to tell them where he is."


sunsinstudios t1_jcwpbmq wrote

Specifically it targets Punjab and Sikhs. The same people that were targeted with farm reform and who started the farmers protest in Delhi.


marketrent OP t1_jcvmucl wrote

Excerpt from the linked content^1 by Gerry Shih, Karishma Mehrotra, and Shams Irfan:

>Indian authorities severed mobile internet access and text messaging for a second day Sunday across Punjab, a state of about 27 million people, as officials sought to capture a Sikh separatist and braced for potential unrest.

>The statewide ban — which crippled most smartphone services except for voice calls and some SMS text messages — marked one of the broadest shutdowns in recent years in India, a country that has increasingly deployed the law enforcement tactic, which digital rights activists call draconian and ineffective.

>Three Punjab residents who spoke to The Washington Post said life had been disrupted since midday Saturday.

>“My entire business is dependent on internet,” said Mohammad Ibrahim, who accepts QR code-based payments at his two clothing shops in a village outside of Ludhiana and also sells garments online. “Since yesterday, I’ve felt crippled.”

>In each of the past five years, Indian officials have ordered internet shutdowns more frequently than any other government, according to the New York-based advocacy group Access Now, which issues annual reports on the practice.

>Authorities in Punjab deployed a tactic that is usually seen in another restive Indian region: Jammu and Kashmir. The majority-Muslim region in India’s far north has experienced internet disruptions more than 400 times in the past decade, according to the Software Freedom Law Center (SFLC), a New Delhi-based nonprofit.

^1 Gerry Shih, Karishma Mehrotra, and Shams Irfan for the Washington Post/Jeff Bezos, 19 Mar. 2023,


32ChiangMai t1_jcwjygu wrote

Inconvenience 27 million people to get at 1 person. Sounds about right.


TheLizardKing89 t1_jcwq54m wrote

27 million people is a larger population than every US state except California and Texas. Imagine shutting off the internet to all of New York just to catch one guy.


conquer69 t1_jcwoizl wrote

Sounds like people in this region are treated like second class citizens. No wonder they want independence.


calmtigers t1_jcwroxo wrote

Indian politics have consistently targeted Punjab and its people, especially those who are young and may voice an opinion they don’t like


happyscrappy t1_jcwked7 wrote

Indian government: replaces all currency partly to try to get everyone to use electronic payment systems like paytm (or PhonePe) instead of cash

Same Indian government: shuts down the internet at random intervals thus shutting down electronic payment systems


LiftingUP t1_jcwnu4n wrote



thegreatgazoo t1_jcwltcp wrote

Around here the fugitive would have everyone from 10 and older hunting them down wild west style.

Wanted dead or alive. Preferably dead.


AverageCowboyCentaur t1_jcvp9jw wrote

In Egypt it's illegal and possibly deadly to use starlink. Eg: The government will come in and take it arrest and/or kill you. Is that the same in India, can't they just get starlink up and running?


reddit_chaos t1_jcwlh94 wrote

Well, wired internet services still work. So what a starlink provides, won’t matter since internet isn’t completely blocked - only 4G/5G on smartphones is blocked.


H3g3m0n t1_jcwm2a3 wrote

afaik Starlink generally only provides service in countries where there is an legal agreement for them to operate (and probably international waters). If Egypt don't want it they would just disallow it. Or require that it works with their law enforcement requirements.


NotTheAbhi t1_jcwr4o1 wrote

Starlink doesn't operate here as far as i know. Also i assume the prices is high for a typical middle class family to use it. Internet is quite cheap here.


peedrah t1_jcwo9sy wrote

Can we just clarify that the reason for taking over the police station was because they were holding people way beyond their sentence. Shame that Washington post doesn’t actually do their own research about why people are protesting


Dwarfdeaths t1_jcvuv5t wrote

What do you know, this shut down coincides with an uncharacteristic cessation of spam phone calls from my area code.


housepuma t1_jcvvxae wrote

Huh! I noticed a big reduction of spam phone calls as of late myself but I don't think it is necessarily this. The accent on the scam phone calls I received was clearly Southeast Asian in origin/


leoheck t1_jcwfj6b wrote

Imagine turning the lights off instead of turning them on to search for someone...

This is stupid to say the least.


housepuma t1_jcvwcfv wrote

A country as densely populated as India with a lot of its citizenry well-educated in IT, could create their own internet in defiance of the government. I'd love to be able to do this here in the United States but it's infeasible and I haven't gotten any interest.


unbread2122 t1_jcw9n2e wrote

Let's hope the bandits form their own internet so we're never far away from scam-calls and steve the customer support rep


lori_lightbrain t1_jcw9fny wrote

> with a lot of its citizenry well-educated in IT, could create their own internet in defiance of the government.

those people are windup toys who jump at whatever hoops are thrown to them by the westerners hiring them for offshore work. that's very different from coming up with your own mesh network from scratch, which requires multidisciplinary expertise in electrical engineering, hardware radios, networking software, etc. etc.


cinemachick t1_jcwneq0 wrote

Say what you will about the outsourcing of labor, but it's a bit goache to call them 'windup toys.' It takes skill to execute directions from a different country in a different language to exact specifications, even if the task isn't a higher order of intelligence. Just because they're paid less for smaller jobs now, doesn't mean they aren't capable of learning something more skilled in the future.


stepover7 t1_jcwiu8m wrote

only mobile internet


Ophelia_Yummy t1_jcwmrpz wrote

But in the developing countries… mobile internet is the most crucial internet… at least I know in China, vast majority of e commerce is done via mobile.. if this lasts for two days.. online stores are gonna lose billions


No-Perspective-317 t1_jcwa2vw wrote

“Let me search up what he looks like so I can help”


Tylerjamiz t1_jcwd8wb wrote

Wait until the US does this


Science_is_Greatness t1_jcwk8zn wrote

no wonder India is such a poor country, with all its backward-thinking policies.


[deleted] t1_jcwl048 wrote



elliuotatar t1_jcwp4dq wrote

All I'm hearing is this guy has tons of support and he's being jailed for his political views, which is all the more reason this is bad.


dsbllr t1_jcwqbzl wrote

They're trying to arrest him for speech so exactly that. India doesn't have free speech and I think some people forget that
