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Adorable-Slip2260 t1_itrdjt1 wrote

A giant douche bag commenting on another giant douche bag.


i_have_chosen_a_name t1_ituenjr wrote

Palmer is one of the biggest sellouts of the new millenium. At least companies like Valve started making decent VR hardware which was the original goal of Palmer (to jump start the industry) so he did some good but it did not make up for the bad.


MagnetoManectric t1_itqifx4 wrote

historic parallels to Sinclair's C5 electric car, passion product of Clive Sinclair (best known for cheap computers and terrible watches), few within believed in it, product turned out to be terrible and unsuited to british roads, was first demonstrated in winter in icy conditions in which it could barely run. Tanked the company.


testedonsheep t1_itsnz3m wrote

If they release that thing now, it might have a chance.


CressCrowbits t1_itud58d wrote

Electric assist recumbent bicycles have been a thing for a while


shaveee t1_itr8cpo wrote

more like Homer Simpson's car project.


VooDooBarBarian t1_itrx6vs wrote

"There should be a downvote button here, here, and here! You can never find one when you're mad."

🎶La Cucaracha, La Cucaracha🎶


lordnecro t1_itqhw0s wrote

VR is amazing and there is clearly a future in it... despite the growing pains it has had. I don't like Zuckerberg or Facebook, but I am happy to see anyone throw money at VR.


Goemon7887 t1_itr3kn9 wrote

The VR revolution is always just around the corner…


chambee t1_its1cnj wrote

VR and the Google Desktop, the futur we been promised (again)


getgtjfhvbgv t1_itr761t wrote

VR has long ways to go. i imagine people are more interested in holograms than putting on a headset for hours.

if we can revolutionize hologram in our times…


jdmcnair t1_itrlb41 wrote

A long way to go, sure. It has also come a long way in a very short amount of time, and the rate of progress is increasing.


BeardyAndGingerish t1_itrnxpg wrote

Thing is, facebook isnt doing VR well. Theyre copying secondlife's business model and pretending its new, theyre creating unwanted walled gardens in an open space, theyre shoehorning tracking and forcing logins, and thats just off the too of my head.

VR has a future, facebooks practices do not.


blippie t1_itspao8 wrote

And strangely enough, no-one trusts lizard boy. I guess Mark is the dumb-fuck now.


empirebuilder1 t1_itteuew wrote

They've somehow dumped 5x Boeing's R&D budget into this project in the past couple years and still made an end result that appears worse in both UX and graphical quality than a small independent developer made in half the time with 1/100th the budget. The entire thing is mismanaged and DoA.


Astound_Broadband t1_itr4ga8 wrote

For this tech to be adapted they need to get vr into a pair of glasses. These goggles and cartoon characters are a joke. They went to market too soon.


dungone t1_iturzx7 wrote

> growing pains it has had has.

99% of the growing pains are still ahead of it.


SidewaysFancyPrance t1_itruuzp wrote

> but I am happy to see anyone throw money at VR.

You should be concerned that Meta is going to fail so spectacularly that VR becomes an unspeakable word in tech for another 20 years. Trying to force it on the public is going to set it back.


SlientlySmiling t1_itr35sj wrote

As long as it ultimately destroys Facebook, I'm good with that.


[deleted] t1_itqgqlg wrote



DarthBuzzard t1_itqmce3 wrote

The tech is hardly failing. It's a growing industry.

The metaverse? Well that remains to be seen since it doesn't exist yet.


tinyhorsesinmytea t1_its3ydv wrote

I think a very compelling metaverse will eventually be a reality but it clearly isn’t going to happen with this Wii Sports looking shit Meta is currently demonstrating.


DarthBuzzard t1_its5uof wrote

That's my point really. The Wii Sports stuff Meta is demonstrating has nothing to do with the metaverse. That's just Horizon Worlds, a first party application.

The metaverse would be a global network to be built over the next 5 years.


tinyhorsesinmytea t1_itsa22l wrote

And a lot of people aren't aware of the amazing technology Meta and other companies are prototyping right now. What happens when photorealistic avatars combine with eye tracking, accurate facial expressions, and environmental scanning that all make social teleportation possible? Feeling like you can hang out with friends and family that are thousands of miles away like they are right next to you in your living room will be universally appealing. How about when AI can create amazing worlds to explore?

I've always believed in the future of VR/AR and the Metaverse but I think it's going to be awhile and I really hope it isn't controlled by a single company but is open like the internet.


TotalCharcoal t1_ittcftw wrote

It might encourage you to know that meta is a founding member of the open metaverse forum; a non-profit industry group whose mission is to define the standards of an open metaverse.


getgtjfhvbgv t1_itr6wnu wrote

he was smart selling his company to facebook.


borkus t1_itrcaob wrote

VR is an interesting technology but there's no apparent application that isn't handled better:

  • Remote meetings. Video stream provides better fidelity and is easily handled by most modern networks.
  • Social interactions. While simpler than VR, text and social media have been widely embraced. In particular, social media lets you have more interactions and have them anywhere via a mobile device. Someone can quickly find a date for the weekend, catch up with friends and follow a discussion on a topic in a few minutes with just a cell phone. In VR, those interactions would be slower.
  • Gaming/Entertainment. Rather than immersive environments, gamers still enjoy casual games and games on a flat screen. The recent successes in games have been social games or open-ended games that work fine without virtual reality.

To me, the big shortcoming to VR is the separation from reality - you have to block out the environment around you and be in a specific place to use it. Instead, people are using technology to enhance the world around them as they move through it.


foundafreeusername t1_itrw9nj wrote

A lot of the goals zuck is after only really make sense once the headset is small enough to be basically just glasses. The question is if they can survive that long.

Once they are small enough and comfortable there isn't much of a downside to VR. You can have remote meetings + VR/AR. You can have all the regular social media + VR.

Until then gaming probably will remain the main driver. With improved comfort, new pancake lenses and maybe close to 4k per eye VR headsets aren't much of a downside anymore even if you play 2D games.


LordThistleWig t1_itrycwy wrote

Well said. I find the invention of VR to be somewhat cynical, as it implies forsaking our real environment for an artificial one.


munch t1_its17sj wrote

VR is arguably better for training / workplace simulations.


DarthBuzzard t1_its2csb wrote

> In VR, those interactions would be slower.

Speed is not everything.

People value speed when they have asynchronous communication, like texting someone, where the goal is a quick exchange and not to hang out or have a strong connection.

People value deep connection when they have time set aside for synchronous communication, and VR will be the best at providing this connection.


MpVpRb t1_ittkuxs wrote

>To me, the big shortcoming to VR is

Headache, dizziness, eyestrain and other perceptual problems. Human vision is finely tuned to reality, and close-but-not-quite-real upsets things. I worked on a VR project that worked great for a short time, until users quit because of headaches, dizziness and other problems


DarthBuzzard t1_ittmqsj wrote

Those are very clear issues with the tech today, but are definitely solvable, so I see those as growing pains.


AoiKururugi t1_ituxmuc wrote

They are also going for the mixed reality stuff though, from what I see in their latest demo of the newest headset


Gaskil369 t1_itrfd48 wrote

It’s his money. Let the dum ass spend it on whatever. Meanwhile I work 40 plus and can’t afford a dentist!


unresolved_m t1_itrtr9p wrote

He will never be broke either, so I assume he'll spend until he's dead, no matter whether projects are successful or not.


wskyindjar t1_itruapx wrote

A lot of employees and people have meta stock, and likely in 401ks too. So while I’m happy to see it burn, this affects a lot of people.


empirebuilder1 t1_itteg1e wrote

can't you billionaires go off and, like, build an evil lair on a secluded jungle island or some shit like a normal fucking villain should???


redosabe t1_itr4tyt wrote

lol your daily anti-metaverse pose brought to you by r/technology


unresolved_m t1_itrtkie wrote

Flintstones - they had a car that was driven by legs and had no pedals...


kritikal t1_itr92bw wrote

The metaverse is nothing more than another ugly kid from the same parents of VRML.


kritikal t1_itr9dzc wrote

In other news, Enerst Goes to the Metaverse: Know What I Mean VRML? has begun production.


Jwn5k t1_itrag1e wrote

Zuck's project car would be a Ford Pinto.


xcramer t1_itsmjgj wrote

With a new and improved yugo engine


MotoRandom t1_its3zi1 wrote

I'm pretty sure Zuck's business inspiration and role model is P.T. Barnum.


testedonsheep t1_itsb0va wrote

kinda like the original Oculus.

He should just be grateful someone paid him a lot of money for basically nothing.


russdb t1_itsg0og wrote

Yet it's outselling xbox x/xs sales.


a_dude_from_space t1_itsjutd wrote

Zuck understands speed to market. If you bet on the inverse of public sentiment, Meta is a strong buy.


Sivim t1_itsky1e wrote

VR has the same issue as 3D TV.


Competitive-Cow-4177 t1_itsoozq wrote

Aside from everything this “Luckey” character states being the truth or not, stating “.. no one..” is a most probable impossibility.


[deleted] t1_itpzj3h wrote



lobster-overrun t1_itqa3fl wrote

It’s literally a VR game. What new developments or technologies can come from it that haven’t been done before?


DarthBuzzard t1_itqdx8j wrote

Well for one, the metaverse isn't a game or an application or anything downloadable. It's a hypothesized interoperable global network that apps/games would be a part of.

As for VR/AR specifically, most of the tech has yet to be seen in products. We're missing 90% of what will define VR/AR in the future.


arcosapphire t1_itr64gc wrote

> Well for one, the metaverse isn't a game or an application or anything downloadable. It's a hypothesized interoperable global network that apps/games would be a part of.

That's called the internet and it already exists.


almightySapling t1_itr78zj wrote

It's not just the internet!

It's also Microsoft Bob. Which also already exists. Well, used to, it no longer exists. For good reason.


DarthBuzzard t1_itr7jjw wrote

The internet does not currently handle the protocols needed to establish seamless interoperability between 3D apps.

The idea is to have thousands, tens of thousands of apps from any company/individual that users can move between and have persistence of 3D identity and shared functionality of the worlds/apps.


jericho t1_itrc6d7 wrote

Well, that’s one idea, and it’s a good one.

Remove “any company” from your comment, and you have Zuckerbergs idea.


DarthBuzzard t1_itrcoir wrote

Zuck's idea is an interoperable metaverse. This has always been what he's said, and he's part of the metaverse standards forum working with other companies to build the standards and protocols for this.

I suppose they could be double dealing under the table and secretly trying to create their own walled garden metaverse that everyone else falls under, but we'll have to wait and see.


arcosapphire t1_itrcra3 wrote

Uh, why not? What about that is handled at the protocol layers the internet covers?

But here's the thing, this seamless interoperability thing...that's not something any protocol is going to solve. That's going to take an immense effort for any engine to support some standardized content. And that's...probably just not going to happen. If you spend any time in gamedev, and you understand what engines and shaders do, it's an absolute pipe dream to imagine all software working the same way. Not only would that annihilate performance, but it completely hamstrings the ability for people to make unique, creative products.

We should absolutely not want this.


[deleted] t1_itqm7kv wrote



MooingTurtle t1_itr092n wrote

Sorry but there are indie devs that have better tech than metaverse now and facebook dumped a heap loads of cash in the project.

Saying that metaverse is akin to Wright brothers flight is really naive.


UmayCallMeBrotherNow t1_itqi302 wrote

You are right. Most of the press and consequential opinions are based off of superficial deductions and ignorance. The metaverse does NOT belong to zuck, and has very little to do with a vr chat room. There is value in parity with the real world, banks taking deposits of literally physical anything and by being smart about value can make money off of this ‘thing deposit”- opens up an economy offering more nuance which offers more opportunities for any person to make money and also buy. With a value moderation in place, anyone could have strong digital representation of a digital assets features in the metaverse with real life parity. With this parity level maintained high means people can sell things easily and undeniably honestly with a system very hard to scam. At this point people respect a digital asset similar to its real counterpart and the metaverse becomes many steps closer to another layer to real reality. AR will also be part of the real world how the real world matriculated into virtual. Systematic upgrades will be determined by a standard thus an improvement for all people, such as remote doctor procedures in rural areas, ai doctors doing physical work etc. the metaverse is not just a linear upgrade, it’s about figuring out not just upgrading something, but doing it better in a way you could imagine the future would look back and see that momentous leap. It’s also marrying virtual/actual parity with all technology in a more seamless existence. The first cars seemed like a joke. Horses were way faster. A few stuck to their guns and knew cars were the future for a long while forward. They thought a little deeper about what it meant. Mark is undeniably smart. And he can own the metaverse by making nobody else want it. A brilliant technique invented by psychotic jealous gf’s.


chillzatl t1_itq9lsf wrote

It's only a joke because of who it's coming from. If it was some other cool tech guy or upstart people wouldn't be so quick to shit on it.


N0BL3- t1_itqkwsa wrote

Those graphics though….


j_cruise t1_itqpkkm wrote

The graphics are basic on purpose. Their eventual goal is to push out a very inexpensive headset for the masses. They want the bast majority of people to be able to afford it.


timallen445 t1_itqg556 wrote

Not to defend Facebook to much here but that was Oculus until Facebook bought it


OcculusSniffed t1_itqpiec wrote

I think you may be remembering wrong. There was a LOT of support and excitement for Oculus before Facebook bought it. The prevailing response to the acquisition was despair for VR.


ammonium_bot t1_itrx9yv wrote

Did you mean to say "too much"?
Explanation: No explanation available.
^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions.


RnDanger t1_itq0i8x wrote

"How much ya looking for today?"

"It's a really cool world with a lot of custom features you just won't see anywhere else. 40 billion."

"Yeah, but those are your custom features, you know? Like, most buyers will want to change a lot of what you've done here, it's just not that valuable to me as a product. I'm not sure I would want to make you an offer"


"Dollars? Sure, haha"


Shy_guy_purple t1_itq7qwo wrote

It's the tech version of those mega mansions, custom built for a celebrity and completely un-sellable.


Yellowtangerine2 t1_itqo5j1 wrote

VR is for Porn, not for smoking meats you hunted yourself, come on.
