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Sekhen t1_itni7y2 wrote

That's amazing.

One of my favorite diagnostic tool ever made. Now, remade!


wallacebrf t1_itrimhe wrote

I love this program and am happy to see it is back


DeadMansMuse t1_itorwhp wrote

This bad boy helped my diagnose HW vs SW problems in I dunno, a thousand or so machines in my time? System instability in windows almost always shows up on Memtest as some kind of memory failure, doesn't necessarily mean the memory was bad, only that the system was infact being fucky instead of say a PoS piece of software or driver problem.


BallardRex t1_itnjw9k wrote

Holy crap, talk about waves of nostalgia, lovely!


valiantbore t1_itnpto8 wrote

What better way to test my RAM overclocking?


wierdness201 t1_itozm53 wrote

Does it test the memory any faster than previous versions?


LloydAtkinson t1_itpd00p wrote

I didn't even know it was abandoned? Crappy journalism or true?

> But development stopped in 2013 once Memtest86 was split into Memtest86 and Memtest86"

OK so crappy journalism.


Felinomancy t1_itobxk1 wrote

What's next, Memmaker86+ ?


styres t1_itoqjyn wrote

Need bootcd next


wallacebrf t1_itrjcpm wrote

I miss the old "ultimate boot CD" and the amazing tools it had available


styres t1_itrxdc3 wrote

Recently was cleaning up and found my software cd collection. Lots of good stuff there.

Some of the most fun I had with computers back in the day was simply troubleshooting. Definitely a testament to hardware/firmware/software reliability as I have way more computers now but don't need those tools


Silicon_Knight t1_itpl2m5 wrote

Feature request: diagnose memory issues on my brain 🧠


Loki-L t1_itpzbpi wrote

That brings back memories.


littleMAS t1_itrv578 wrote

Is it different than PCmemtest?


AMillionMonkeys t1_ito4320 wrote

Windows actually has a built-in Memory Diagnostic now which does the same thing. Last time I ran it, it didn't save its results like it said it would, though.


Mr_ToDo t1_itqkabk wrote

Last time I used it it was more or less a stop on fail, low feedback, tool. It's actually why I use the Memtest86x line.


iambluest t1_itnlt2q wrote

Maybe a step back toward privacy.


ruinne t1_itowe85 wrote

Please elaborate on how a software package that tests memory before any kind of OS is even loaded is supposed to help bring back user privacy.


iambluest t1_itpnljb wrote

More information about what is using your memory.


ruinne t1_itpomx3 wrote

Not correct. The task manager can do that.

Memtest can't show you what uses your memory because it doesn't run in userspace on the desktop. It only runs stress tests on RAM to make sure the modules can read and write data without errors.


ragingninetails99 t1_itqja7v wrote

That's not what memtest is for.

It's supposed to test that your RAM physically works properly, nothing to do with what you put on it.