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anonymous_4_custody t1_iqyx3wp wrote

I thought he was doing a good-guy thing and doing movies with less famous actors he liked, to help propel their careers.


MF_Kitten t1_ir16blt wrote

I don't think he knew who any of those people were haha! Those movies are not even trying to be real movies. They're just "assemble a barely functional movie for just about no money, so you can sell it for stupid profit straight to streaming services and smaller TV channels without paying for any significant marketing" junk. Nobody is getting their careers propelled with those I think, other than literally having SOMETHING on a resume. He was either alone or with like one other actor for most of the shoots, and he was given almost no actual dialogue (for obvious reasons). Hell, they use body doubles for 90% of the shots where he has to do literally anything, and splice in the shots of his face.