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[deleted] t1_irzaevq wrote

I get that Meta is a bit of a mess. I deleted FB in 2015 and never looked back. But... it's starting to seem like some type of bandwagon Meta hate at the moment. Which is almost making me think it's a decent buy.


leglump t1_irzb5sk wrote

Do you not understand that Meta is facebook? or are you a paid bot?


[deleted] t1_irzd1a9 wrote

Do you understand that in 2015 the company was called Facebook, and that the social media site they ran (that i used) was referred to as Facebook?

Now that company is referred to as meta, and there are numerous programs within the company (such as Instagram).

The sentence "I deleted meta in 2015" would not make sense. I deleted Facebook.


leglump t1_irzg6we wrote

Yeah but you still havnt escaped from the evil of the company yet and fail to understand how a name change doesnt change any of the evil they will continue to do. Whatever man, good luck out there, my advice, save yourself, everything else get a thumb drive.


[deleted] t1_irzhec8 wrote

oh i hear ya. i dont think companies like alphabet are any better but i invest in them. maybe its immoral or weak to invest in companies you think are evil/wrong but hey i am who i am.

i will never use fb, insta, twitter or anything though. reddit is my only social media type site.