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empirebuilder1 t1_iugn2u2 wrote

I'm assuming JPEG-XL is getting killed because WEBP, which is fully google home-grown-and-owned, not built by a consortium that just happens to include google, has already supplanted it.


atomic1fire t1_iugrymi wrote

Plus AVIF exists, and is created by a group that includes google.

I feel like JPEG/MPEG/ etc are holdovers from when large patent bodies created formats with the expectation that they'd all get revenue from the licensing, while the AOM creates royalty free codecs since they don't care about the licensing fees, because they're more concerned with formats that do what they want and don't require paying out of pocket for encoding/decoding in high demand.

Plus the licensing fees creates a barrier to adoption, since people will go with whatever the cheapest/free-est solution is.


Temenes t1_iugvgti wrote

JPEG XL is royalty free.


atomic1fire t1_iujkn4h wrote

Sure, but I was moreso refering to the group JPEG, not the most recent format.

I might be blaming the standards bodies themselves when the patent holders might be more responsible.

There's a whole PDF/slideshow about the patent troubles encountered by the original JPEG group, namely that Patents still covered a bunch of stuff for years and none of the patent holders waived their right to sue, so what happens is the people using the jpeg format have to pay any of the relevent patent holders to use the format.

The original goal of JPEG was apparently to be royalty free, but it couldn't do that with the patents holders around at the time.