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tmp04567 t1_itycza2 wrote

It's currently a driving assist (it can do a lot but not everything, esp off roading). Maybe they shouldn't call it a self driving yet. Maybe in 10+ years. Imho it's an advertizing and naming issue. They're at the edge of tech and progressing, but only so much can be done today. A driver need to stay at the wheel to avoid eventual mistakes.

> Tesla, which disbanded its media relations department in 2020, did not respond to written questions from Reuters on Wednesday.

Tssk tssk


supercali45 t1_ityi8ej wrote

Doesn’t stop Musk from pumping that lie over and over .. it’s cumming it’s cumming and his lemmings lap it all up over their lips and faces


WilliamMorris420 t1_ityj46w wrote

Tesla's Full Self Driving has been commimg later this year or early next year for about the last ten years.


random-incident t1_itysbwx wrote

Do you think the hardware is the limiting factor?


ScenicAndrew t1_iu1rggx wrote

Yes, Tesla cars are straight up not equipped to see the world better than a person in the driver seat can, which is kind of sad because human drivers actually have very limited vision. Luckily other autonomous cars are equipped differently.


random-incident t1_iu2djtq wrote

Who is the closest to actual full self driving?


ScenicAndrew t1_iu31nce wrote

Google Owned company waymo probably on account of them being street legal, had a big study that showed they're quite possibly already past the "better than people" phase, and definitely have better public image so adoption might go easier. But I don't follow all the players. Who knows maybe apple gets there first.