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anthonykantara t1_itfnhl0 wrote

That’s not what independent means. It has nothing to do with source of traffic.

How do you think digital media outlets get their traffic? TV or newspaper stands?


ctimmermans t1_itfrrnb wrote

It has everything to do with dependence. If you are dependent on 1 traffic source you tend to cater to that traffic source, thus losing your independence.


MrMarklar t1_itftb9e wrote

You are using the word "dependent" and "independence" in their literal sense, in a completely different context.

"The reach of an independent media outlet depends on a free platform." is not a contradictory sentence, but you are trying to make it seem like it is, and that's dishonest.


>you tend to cater

That's a very safe way to form a baseless personal opinion.