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anti-torque t1_itgg5yb wrote

It's not a hard concept.

But when the execution lines you up next to an ad for pizzagate, what was that concept, again?


MrMarklar t1_itgisiq wrote

Sorry, but I don't get your point (no offense). I think you're saying good articles and shitty articles exist side by side on the same platform, but I don't know what you are implying with this. It doesn't make the aforementioned independant news sites any more corrupt or less valuable (make them even more so)


anti-torque t1_itgk1rk wrote

The platform they choose delegitimizes their own content, due to association.

I know I would likely never go to a fb link for news. I have issues going to small businesses who can't figure out how to make a wordpress page, leaving it up to fb and yelp to tell me who they are.


MrMarklar t1_itglkxr wrote

I don't think OP means they have their whole business on Facebook. It's just a means to share their articles. All serious businesses that depend on online engagement have pages on Facebook and other social media that point to their websites, it's just a nobrainer.

While I don't browse facebook at all, lots of people still do.

What's the "proper" way to grow your business online, astrosurfing on reddit?


anti-torque t1_itgml4w wrote

lol... it's valid to direct traffic away from fb, I guess.

There are a lot of local businesses who do only have these fb profiles as their business page. It's pretty annoying going from an interwebs experience where I'm just cruising along, to this fb page that tells me nothing, except what a neat pumpikin carving some kids did today... at this restaurant that has no known menu online.