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StelioKontos117 t1_iuivjg0 wrote

“I plan to live forever, of course, but barring that I'd settle for a couple thousand years. Even five hundred would be pretty nice.” CEO Nwabudike Morgan


DaMuller t1_iuji5np wrote

Honestly, for me it isn't so much death but old age that scares me. 20 years of prime is just not enough.


Scary_Princess t1_iuk4kqd wrote

I think you can get a lot more than 20 years of prime particularly if you take good care of yourself. Even if you don’t take good care of yourself genetics can be kind.

I work in healthcare I see plenty of 50 year olds that there prime ended somewhere in there late 30’s early 40’s I also see plenty of 60/70 year olds who can be argued to still be in there prime. I know a 60 year old surgeon who still runs ultra marathons (50+ km).

Still I understand your sentiment death isn’t what scares me either but the feebleness and pain of old age.