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tacknosaddle t1_itmcbp5 wrote

I used to work a 4 day work week and would go back to it in a heartbeat. You always have one weekday off to get shit done without competing with the weekend crowds, then you have a day to have fun and a day to relax.

We were getting crushed with work but you always came back recharged and ready to go, plus it was easier to "see" the weekend right from the beginning of the week so it didn't feel nearly as heavy.


DeafHeretic t1_itmknjv wrote

I am retired, but if offered the right situation, I would go back to work at a part time gig working from home. I could fix some bugs that the team doesn't have the time to tackle because they are working on something more "important". I could tackle some short term tasks for a week or two if they needed me and then go away for a while until they needed me again.

Also, the employer wouldn't feel bad about telling me they don't need me for a few weeks or months, or only need me for a few hours this week or month. Less paperwork dealing with that than dealing with a layoff/hiring, I would think (maybe not).

Meanwhile I could relax or do my personal chores in between working and not get so burned out waiting for the weekend. And I wouldn't feel bad about telling them I quit because I am burned out or I want to go spend some time on a beach in Tahiti.

With Starlink, a lot of people are working part time in remote locations now, traveling around or snow birding, or just being remote permanently.


tacknosaddle t1_itmpfqx wrote

That sounds pretty good. They'd probably have to bring you on in a contract type position to avoid having to deal with benefits, especially since you could cross in and out of full time / part time over the course of a year. With a lot of companies the budget isn't really set up for fluctuating labor costs like that so it would take the company setting it up right to work, but I think it would benefit both sides if they did.