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Not_Pictured t1_itg3oiv wrote

Brace for the “Reeeeeee”.

We can all agree that no matter the outcome of this or any future election, they are 100% above board. Anyone denying outcomes should be removed from polite society.

Even if it’s an absolute blow out, or a squeaker with unexplained cars parked in a Florida airport filled with blank ballots, anyone questioning it should be banned outright.


Vegaprime t1_itg6etd wrote

Ya, there has been shadiness.. It's been largely from one side that's learn to project to the other tho.


digital_darkness t1_itg5rjj wrote

That’s not how free speech works.


barneythedinosar t1_itg98o9 wrote

Free speech just means government can’t punish you for saying it. Doubt OP meant it’s the government that should be doing the removing.


Not_Pictured t1_itgcxfv wrote

Free speech means freedom to speak. Just because you enjoy suppressing speech as a private individual doesn’t mean you are pro-free speech. It means you are anti-free speech and delusional.


barneythedinosar t1_itgkej9 wrote

Lmao read the constitution buddy. You can stop after the first amendment, you don’t really need to get that far.

And if you’re free to speak, I’m free to shut you up…it’s my freedom of “speak”


super_potato1806 t1_iti4kq8 wrote

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Read that again, slowly, and focus on the first few words. "Congress shall" not billy bob in his backyard.


Not_Pictured t1_itg8f05 wrote

Free speech is a right wing talking point.


digital_darkness t1_itg9i7p wrote

The 1st amendment isn’t right wing.


Not_Pictured t1_itgbmpe wrote

It’s certainly not Reddit wing.


Heroshade t1_itgeqti wrote

I thought it wasn’t going to get dumber and then it did.


Not_Pictured t1_itggbtf wrote

Every single person on this site advocating for corporate censorship knows that the false image that they hold a majority opinion depends on it.

Reddit is full of fringe left wingers who can’t compete in the realm of ideas without censorship.
