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-HappyLady- t1_iueyoxx wrote

How fast was she running away for her limp ass hair to be mid-air in this photo? LoL. That or a fan like it’s a budget Pantene commercial.


Leiryn t1_iuf1kby wrote

Did you know that wind exists?


-HappyLady- t1_iufjyhs wrote

The only time my hair has ever caught wind like that, I was in a boat that was traveling fast enough to pull a skier.


Godlo t1_iufq6ei wrote

It sounds like you've lived a very sheltered life.


_wolf_gupta_ t1_iuh0s70 wrote

You can't blame her, she was just on her way to cut funding for starving African kids dying of AIDS or something. THE ANTICHRIST HAS DEMANDED MORE SUFFERING AND HIS MINIONS MUST MAKE HASTE
