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phdoofus t1_itnrxrd wrote

Last time I lived in Sweden you had guys going around in trucks stealing all of the bikes at the train station in one town, going to another and selling the bikes. Lather, rinse, repeat. I'm sure this will go well.


Sjatar t1_itny05b wrote

That was from what I understand quite overstated. Do you have the article as I cannot find it. According to statistics from bra (crime prevention council) says that in 2020 about 10.5% of all households have experienced bike theft and that has not massively changed for a good 15 years.

I'd say that going around with a truck full of stolen bikes is going to get you caught pretty fast.


drbooom t1_itq27xy wrote

That's 10 point something percent per year or 10 point something percent had ever experienced bike theft?

I had a bike stolen 35 years ago. That does not make me concerned about leaving my bike unlocked at the grocery store today.


Sjatar t1_itq4knn wrote

That is for the year in question ^^ So not if they have experienced bike theft the year prior.


phdoofus t1_itnzy0y wrote

I didn't see it, I only know what the locals were telling me. Of course, the fact everyone had stories of their bikes being stolen and that everyone habitually left their bikes unlocked at the train stations lends some credence to it. Why would I need an article in that case? Crime statistics are only as good as the number of people who report a crime.


Sjatar t1_ito34ut wrote

I'd be interested to read if you had a article and I could not find it myself ^^

I have also heard the rumor but cannot remember seeing any proof of it.

In Sweden it's a requirement to report a crime about stolen property to get insurance money for it. Now some might not be bothered to do this. But with normal reports and reports to get insurance money, I'd say that the dark figure for bike crimes is not large enough to say it's significantly higher then the reported number.


phdoofus t1_ito5ill wrote

That's a lot of supposition


GoldWallpaper t1_itppam5 wrote

Supposition is superior to your made-up "gangs are stealing these bikes and reselling them!!!1!" bullshit.


phdoofus t1_itqbqpj wrote

I didn't make it up. The locals were telling me this. If they were making it up, that's on them isn't it?