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scuffling t1_isybwh7 wrote

Safety standards for robot systems in the US are much more stringent than places like China. But with that being said, it's always up to the integrator to make sure the safety systems are built and function according to those standards.

Robots for menial tasks is pretty much inevitable.


wrath_of_grunge t1_isz84v8 wrote

honestly, i'd rather see them exploit robots than my fellow man, for substandard wages.


WhiteAndNerdy85 t1_it0l3b1 wrote

Problem is efficiency and output will increase but wages and social benefits will not. Until we have a total culture revolution this will continue until robots perform all the work and most humans live in poverty. Wage slaves doing tasks robots just don't do. Hell, in parts of the world already humans are valued less than robots. More expendable.


erosram t1_it0v3io wrote

If we want to get to a society without any work at all, we have to go through this phase.


Test19s t1_isz5t10 wrote

And with the current supply chain issues, robots (unlike immigrants or local humans) don’t compete for food or housing.