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_BreakingGood_ t1_itt6v4c wrote

Dude in there said he was requiring guests to mow the lawn & vacuum the pool WTF


picklesock420 t1_ittfjvm wrote

I have had to literally rake the leaves and feed one lady’s dog. Another host asked me to wash the sheets, put them back on, and make the bed. I didnt do it ofc and nobody noticed lol. Sorry next guest!


Which-Moment-6544 t1_itt3wmb wrote

A lot of predatory people are going to lose a lot of money


A lot of good communities are going to see a lot of improvement.


phdoofus t1_itt3jap wrote

Kind of a sucky article if you don't have direct access to data and nothing to go on except speculation and pearl clutching over a short period of time and without historical insight


SolidWiggle t1_itsz39f wrote

AirBnB is a cancer.


ascandalia t1_itt69gt wrote

I think it was a net good while it was mostly individuals renting one home. Once corporations started snapping up homes by the hundreds it really went off the rails


BookishChica t1_itu2vv5 wrote

Yup, we had a good run with it for a few years there. Now it’s so impersonal and jacked up with fees. It’s ridiculous. Plus in most cases they have restrictions on the minimum nights stays, so we’ve been opting for hotels more recently.


anotheritguy t1_itv60yk wrote

I live in boston and own a triple decker and had a tenant who I found out was listing her apartment even though the lease said no subletting, and continued to try and do it even after explicitly being told she would violate the terms of her lease. I finally got her to stop when I caught an airbnb renter and his family trying to enter my apartment by mistake, I had to explain to them that the airbnb rental was not allowed and that they would need to find another place to stay or choose option 2 which was I call the cops and have them removed for trespassing. They were pissed and threatened to sue me and give me a bad review (like I care), but left when I started to call the cops. The following conversation with my tenant was pretty cut and dry and she was given a choice to be evicted or leave at the end of the lease which was in about three months. She decided to move on when I explained that going through the eviction process means that she would have trouble renting for the next 7 years at the very least.

Thankfully the city put a stop to listings like that, the new rules require that hosts own the properties they rent out (she didnt), and live in them for at least nine months of the year. They also limit listings to one per host, and require hosts to register their units with the city every year as well as pay an annual licensing fee which I am all for since the investors who started snapping up property to use exclusively for airbnb have caused the price of rent to skyrocket due to fewer properties for long term renters.


jeffyoulose t1_itt8p3g wrote

Their fees + Taxes are too damn high. for a $50 / night rental $50 goes to taxes and fees and the customer pays $100 and the host $50.


hhudson0 t1_ittqiu2 wrote

I was looking to find a Airbnb for a trip in March of 23 and all the hotels were cheaper. So I went with a hotel. Goodbye Airbnb


GhostofEdgarAllanPoe t1_itt5gnk wrote

It's sad that articles need to be written to explain that one tweet and group think does not mean something is true.


swistak84 t1_ittvxur wrote

I mean the article kinda confirms it though? Bookings per individual are down, they admit as much. Another thing they admitted is basically - if you are renting unique property you'll be fine. If you're directly competing with hotels you are going to feel the pain of economies of scale they have


vvarden t1_itt9gn6 wrote

Hope this helps with the rental unit supply in major cities.


DanCPAz t1_ituyzzo wrote

I do too, even though this could hurt my family quite a bit. We purchased our first house just about at the peak of pricing. It went up a little afterward, but we're paying an absurd amount for what we got. I doubt rentals will go down unless housing prices do, which would royally fuck anyone who bought a house to get away from the crazy rental rates, like us. But... rental rates are insane. Nobody should have to pay that much just to have a roof over their head. Fuck that shit. We are scraping by, and I do sincerely hope the rental prices come down so others aren't forced to live like we will be for the next 30 years.


supermegaampharos t1_itt8wg4 wrote


Airbnb is so expensive nowadays. The only reason we still get Airbnbs is because we like having a kitchen for long stays, but other than that, it's hotels all the way.


OffgridRadio OP t1_itt8zyj wrote

woodspring suites has kitchenettes with a stove/sink/fridge I think at all of their locations


Significant_Sign t1_ittm0wx wrote

Business hotels are what you want. That's what we do as a family with kids and it works so well.


HowPedestrian t1_itt8bu2 wrote

This denial “report” has me more convinced than ever that AirBNB is gonna be getting crushed the next couple of quarters/yearrs.


jeffyoulose t1_ittayit wrote

Long story short. AirBnB needs another competitor that charges less fees to keep them honest.


hbk2369 t1_itten2x wrote

VRBO is right there... But it's hard to take both the listers and and the renters to new platforms


jeffyoulose t1_itucfl1 wrote

VRBO is limited. Only entire homes and not private rooms which is what most second incomers do for their guest rooms and IMO the more legit use of short-term rental.


krustyarmor t1_itul4aw wrote

You mean a motel? You just described a motel.


jeffyoulose t1_itv3xlj wrote

Yeah but motels are usually in the seedy side of town. Airbnbs are everywhere.


16semesters t1_ittrjeq wrote

Airbnb in my opinion is not a good company, it's product is rife with issues but this article is horrible.

It just says "we saw some tweets, asked the company and they said no".


MclovinTshirt t1_itt9djh wrote

Not commenting on the sentiment, but this is a terribly written article. Justifying Airbnbust requires data to show a trend and some basis for it.


Stock_Elevator_1517 t1_ituwsr9 wrote

One of the cofounder left. I think he sensed what is about to come


ExplorerPuzzled t1_itv4ozf wrote

It should be illegal to put a primary residence on Airbnb


glotzerhotze t1_ityfvkv wrote

Airbnb is the worst that ever came out, along with facebook, twitter and uber. I hope all of them go bankrupt and rot in hell.


sids99 t1_ittdgn4 wrote

Not sure why all the hate for Airbnb lately. I've always had a great experience- once a place in Rome wasn't that great, so I disputed the charge and received half back.

The trick (besides pricing) is to look at the reviews, house rules, and never book a place with few reviews or a rating lower than 4.95.


GhostOfRoland t1_itt8d9b wrote

There's too much money involved from investors of different levels for this concept to go away.


OffgridRadio OP t1_itt8kgw wrote

I was wondering if they would just make a new app, apps can be created in seconds these days, but I guess it depends on what laws get put in place.
