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councilmember t1_iu44xil wrote

Yeah, why not just mandate the work we paid for first time?


Semi-Hemi-Demigod t1_iu4zjcc wrote

Because that would be socialism


Denidil_Taureran t1_iu65bxy wrote

amusingly the people who would benefit the most from it oppose it the most, as usual


Minimum_Escape t1_iu67xeo wrote

It's true most of us would not benefit from rural people getting a bigger megaphone for spreading their controversial views.


Sapere_aude75 t1_iu797xs wrote

Maybe it's because they are simply acting selflessly to stand up for what's best for the country. The government is not exactly know for being an efficient allocator of capital.

Would you say it's amusing if I voted against a bill that would pay me 10 million a year by increasing taxes on the lowest bracket?


Denidil_Taureran t1_iu7ah6l wrote

> Maybe it's because they are simply acting selflessly to stand up for what's best for the country.

no, they aren't.


Sapere_aude75 t1_iu7be5p wrote

I disprove your thesis


Denidil_Taureran t1_iu7bibr wrote

no, you don't. you're under the delusion that kissing corporate ass and letting them run roughshod over you is "Standing up to the government"



Sapere_aude75 t1_iu7coy5 wrote

Lol No... Maybe you need to look in the mirror when making statements like that. You are suggesting that we give corporations lots of money for work that isn't economically justified. I don't know what about this has to do with "standing up to government".

I don't think we should be wasting money to bury a bunch of fiber when it's not economically viable. On top of that government programs add even more bureaucracy further inflating the cost. I'd rather just get a starlink, mobile broadband, radio internet, etc...

Your the idiot


Denidil_Taureran t1_iu7ddaw wrote

> Your the idiot

nice english, bro.

> You are suggesting that we give corporations lots of money for work that isn't economically justified.

I think it would be better if we just seized all the data infrastructure and nationalized it, due to them being fraudulent fuckers that pocketed the $400bn we invested 20 years ago. But that's SOCIALISMS COMMUNISTS NAZISMS according to you ignorant fuckers who vote republican.

The fact that you think you're some hero standing up the the corporations when you vote for the party of "kiss every corporate ass in existence, encourage regulatory capture, cut taxes for the 0.1% and break any attempt of the government to protect the consumer" just puts lie to your bullshit.


Sapere_aude75 t1_iu7fbve wrote

You're making the mistaken assumption that I vote republican... This has nothing to do with politics and everything to do with not wasting money. Government intervention almost always increases costs in the long run.

What do you suggest next. Shall we provide water hookups to every house in the country? 5 million for each house bumba fuck nowhere, but don't worry the tax payer will pay for it from our unlimited funds. This kind of reckless spending is what drives inflation that we must now suffer. Low income groups are hurt the most.

I guess using your logic, urban groups who make the most should be subsidizing car costs for rural populations without access to mass transit


Sapere_aude75 t1_iu7fvrw wrote

The only thing you have said that I agree with is enforcement of the agreement that was previously paid. They need to fulfill the contract they agreed to when they were paid. Nationalizing the data infrastructure is not the solution