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[deleted] t1_isj4ovc wrote



av2706 t1_isj5hqj wrote

Union want what they think is better wage but companies run on supply demand .. it’s market and their skills that decide what they are worth… let’s take hypothetical company with union workers if all over industry they are paid similar than this company will also try to pay same.. if they pay same then they can market their product in competitive range but unions want more wage so if content agree to increase wage they have to transfer extra price increase in goods to customers… so customer will not but their product and that company will take loss.. that content will take loss then they have to fire workers or risk going under if finances are not managed.. now u tell me those employees were making at least some money before union used their card now they are unemployed but they will blame this on company not union but root cause was union asked inflated salary for their members which was not possible in market scenario.. now u may ask why not union whole industry.. if u union whole industry then too u will face similar consequences but this time it will take toll on whole industry.. if cars become expensive from every company then people won’t buy them and go to use bike or public transport instead.. thousands of employees will go unemployed and earn nothing.. so will u be happy??


[deleted] t1_isj6bt2 wrote



av2706 t1_isj79og wrote

U all are scammed into thinking Scandinavian countries are socialist welfare state but in fact they have better ease of doing work and more competition than usa who u all blame of exploitation…. A country with private schools and 60 percent t tax on poor u all will get baffled on first instance if this gets implemented in usa


[deleted] t1_isj89og wrote



av2706 t1_isj8p22 wrote

So u tell me which industry is doing good that have unions.. give some example according to u where workers living good lifestyle and high wages.. where is that paradise


[deleted] t1_isjaeb0 wrote



av2706 t1_isjalm7 wrote

Same uk whose currency tanking like crazy?? Lol.. it’s all those years of inflation and buildup to crisis of uk all thanks to socialist policies and they will pay severely.. winter is coming in Europe and they don’t have anything to protect


[deleted] t1_isjbujw wrote



av2706 t1_isjcefx wrote

Everything in economy is correlated .. unions treasury .. govt spending poor welfare schemes .. NHs high taxes all lead to a buildup for years in that country.. Covid and recession just accelerated whole crisis.. union is small cog in big fail machinery.. and I told u repeatedly high wages if unions must be paid.. every thing comes with cost and that cost come due for uk now


[deleted] t1_isjdenp wrote



av2706 t1_isjdrlm wrote

Yeah that’s why inflation is sky rocketing and imf is warning u all.. Germany uk Italy all are in deep trouble becuse of inflation ..


av2706 t1_isj6jqt wrote

Wait Sweden Is more pro capitalist than usa .. it’s pension system is privatised.. Sweden takes more money from its poor than rich .. its anything but a socialist unionist society

watch this video lol


[deleted] t1_isj735l wrote



av2706 t1_isj7g8v wrote

U came up with idea of Scandinavian not me bro now u telling me I’m out of topic?? I presented my arguments against every your argument u have yet u say I just rant but I spoke with reasoning not irrationally just look back to what all I wrote


[deleted] t1_isj82uo wrote



av2706 t1_isj8ktz wrote

None of those country are competing at level of us or Scandinavian ones.. they are developed because of their past colonisation they accumulated good wealth… Dutch France Spain uk were leading colonisers and now we are all seeing their charm fading 100 yrs after their colonisation ended.. people are not happy in those countries.. just because they being to first world country don’t mean they are not suffering.. high taxes making their rich flee country going to Singapore or Monaco.. u have to look deep than just waffling random countries


[deleted] t1_isj9dfp wrote



av2706 t1_isj9ua4 wrote

It may be in ur interest to earn inflated salary but nothing comes free.. people who buy ur products pay high price.. to compensate those price those people have to earn high salary.. to give high salary to employees than normal level.. ur country’s central bank must have printed more money… and as result of that ur country must be under heavy bubble and currency is or about to tank drastically.. if I were u I would be terrified for my live savings


[deleted] t1_isjb8y6 wrote



av2706 t1_isjbhvv wrote

So in those country they are struggling for 100s of years.. no innovation nothing.. btw it was diffrent for uk back then during Industrial Revolution.. they were pro capitalist laisse faire economy which help them lead in Industrial Revolution but then politics and cheap vote made them all sluggish and yet here we are seeing a great country dying


av2706 t1_isjbp03 wrote

And non union salary isn’t deflated because market pays them.. again I said u is free market that decide without partiality between race gender age religion ur skill ur talent ur occupation ur industry gives u ur salary


[deleted] t1_isjd58z wrote



av2706 t1_isjdlz0 wrote

But who is so genius that knows what their talent is worth ?? Are they send from god or sone messiah came to them to say hey Man U shoukd be paid 1.23 usd more than u are getting … who is that guy who knows this tell me??? If product is worth 6 usd then is it advisable for company to spend 5.5 usd on wages alone?? Becuse trade unions will come and open mouth and demand unrealistic salary which will make price of that good to 8 usd from 6 so will that company survive ?? Rest all are selling at 6 or maybe 7 usd but 8?? Just because it’s unionise company people won’t buy from it out of morality u know??