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av2706 t1_isjebhf wrote

No one is tying u to company.. u don’t like ur salary change company bro .. people doing it since ages.. if u think u are worth more why not go to new company


YABoolejan t1_isjizfc wrote

As I said that is exactly what some nurses were trying to do during the pandemic when their employer tried suing them and force them to keep working for the company. So the issue is more that managers just don't seem to understand that if they want to keep people working for them they have to actually listen to their issues. "Just work somewhere else lul" is not an argument against unions. Just as "just move to a better place" is not an argument against trying to stop climate change


av2706 t1_isjjfw2 wrote

Climate has been changing on this planet for millions of years and will happen for millions of years more.. this earth will survive at least as much as sun … till then neither us nor future generations need to worry and animals have come and gone but planet stayed even after a meteor strike this planet got liveable again so don’t worry


YABoolejan t1_isjqf78 wrote

I'm sorry but once you start denying climate change I'm not willing to discuss anymore😅 Getting a little too much Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson in here


av2706 t1_isjrco0 wrote

Ok no problem but imagine how earth existed all these millions years before us