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Bobbing4horseradish t1_iu09qpy wrote

It’s interesting…

My desk job drives me insane so I go and do mindless inventory work.. but if I was doing that all day I would go insane.

Most jobs drive us crazy


bigfatmatt01 t1_iu0arbm wrote

Almost as if we didn't evolve to do the same task over and over again repeatedly.


AnalystOfData t1_iu0bx2s wrote

Maybe it’s time to evolve


son_et_lumiere t1_iu0egik wrote

Yeah, no. That's how you get left behind. They end up making machines for repetitive tasks.


Bobbing4horseradish t1_iu0nbj5 wrote

Almost all jobs are repetitive tasks. Some have more steps, more time between having to do the task again and even involve other people.


Ordinary-Relation t1_iu0fm4a wrote

My wife and I work a desk job, but during the fall me and her work at a pumpkin patch on the weekends driving tractors for hayrides and then other random tasks around there. We love doing it as it is such a change of pace from our day jobs and it gets us outside for extended periods.


Bobbing4horseradish t1_iu0n480 wrote

Yeah, sounds great and not knocking it.. just raising how one quickly becomes the other of it is all you have to do.