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BitterLeif t1_iu0aqsz wrote

I did data entry for a couple years before advancing to a position where I oversee data entry for a couple more, and at the end of that I felt like a zombie. I remember seriously thinking that I may as well already be dead.


kograkthestrong t1_iu0dgeo wrote

Was a mechanic in the military for 11 years. Been a lifelong mechanic honestly. I've grown up and supported my family by working with my hands and using my body.

I've been doing data entry for 7 months. I hate it.


Icy_Store_8776 t1_iu0fvjo wrote

I was a mechanic in the military as well....Desk job now too. Frankly i miss being with the homies working all day and night. But then I remember that sucking....But at least it sucked together. There's no comradery in office work.


kograkthestrong t1_iu1yo0t wrote

For some reason I was really missing the smoke pit the other day lol. I don't even smoke anymore