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manbearpyg t1_iuexeb0 wrote

The only company that truly understands A) the paradigm shift that autonomous driving will be and B) the technology required to achieve it is Tesla. Tesla is also the only company 100% committed to achieving it. Every other company sees it as a pet project. Good luck achieving an extremely difficult goal when you don't see it as imperative to your future.


sunflower_jim t1_iuhe2z9 wrote

They are also years ahead of everyone else. I said years ago the other auto makers would throw stupid amounts of money trying to buy there way into this but you can’t buy years of AI research. It must be developed over time. Tesla has years in the trenches that VW cannot just buy and catch up over night. Maybe they don’t achieve it but if any company does it will be tesla.


manbearpyg t1_iuigffz wrote

Exactly. The Musk Derangement Syndrome in this sub is palpable!


hypercomms2001 t1_iuf0h9a wrote

Bullshit! Those who believe anything coming out of Elon Musk’s are fools to believe him and his lies…..


manbearpyg t1_iufudw6 wrote

Ooh the infamously debunked thunderf00t video. You're such a sleuth! Can't wait to see how this ages in a couple months! 😘


Think_Junket_5891 t1_iug0c1l wrote

Name one place with public roads that Tesla is legally driving without a driver


hicow t1_iugg78w wrote

Tesla has been promising it's "two years away" for 7 years. Despite Musk confidently stating FSD-equipped Teslas have all the hardware required, they don't even know what's required, being there are no L5-capable vehicles on the roads. Teslas have also move to optical cameras only, which are likely the cause of the phantom braking issues that now have them under investigation by the feds. Keep in mind that's separate from the investigation as to why Teslas have a bad habit of plowing into parked emergency vehicles.

Teslas are still only capable of L2 automation, which is not a lot of progress over 7 years.