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oath2order t1_iu2ndyn wrote

That is absolutely the goal here.

Politicians on both sides have been clamoring to control the Internet through various methods. COICA, PROTECT IP Act, SOPA, PIPA, CISPA, and now Section 230 "reform" or repeal depending on who you talk to.


retnemmoc t1_iu31dj9 wrote

Section 230 is very important but also kinda terrible. It gives platforms immunity from a lot of lawsuits but it doesn't really require them to function as platforms at all, blurring the lines between platform and publisher.

I do think 230 needs reform but I do agree with what you are saying that the quest to reform 230 is a false face to control it.


DefendSection230 t1_iu47y4m wrote

Wow... Who lied to you?

Websites do not fall into either publisher or non-publisher categories. There is no platform vs publisher distinction.

Additionally the term "Platform" has no legal definition or significance.

All websites are Publishers.