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Tortorak t1_iu5sqwo wrote

I generally budget 60 towards any f2p I really enjoy to support the company but with a company like blizzard I think I'll just do the battle pass if I stick with it (which I probably won't. And heres why.)

I play mp games to play with friends and with this being crossplat I thought, here's a good chance to play with my brother on pc. Only to learn they disable aim assist if you play with pc players so i get thrown into a game where they take away a integral part of playing on console while also going up against batshit pc goons who have been playing this game I just picked up for almost a decade. And yes I know aim assist can be bullshit but I know I'm not they only one who can't hit shit without it so you really just feel helpless when it's suddenly taken away.

I don't play mp games to pad people's numbers. And I don't play games that I don't enjoy. Nothing is less enjoyable than every match I play ending up being pushed into spawn.

Then we get into the horrible role queue. There would be so many better ways to implement it but they settled for the way that takes to longest time. Say you're playing smite, you queue for a role and maybe you don't get it, but if you don't get it twice in a row the next one you 100 will, they prioritize quicker matchmaking over 1 persons need to play a certain role. But here if I pick any role it's the same as picking support. If I pick anything else I'm going to spend more time waiting for a game than I do playing the match it finds, and if it does it'll be a game half over with the worst gamers known to man.

As I alluded to earlier I'm brand new to ow, I never watched anyone play ow1 and I generally didn't know anything about it. So I'm new to the characters and all that. What's the point of having different classes of characters if the only difference is health? Like a tank can be a tank sure and a support can heal, but almost every character can do good damage so what's the point of the dps class beyond just personal preference or pick? Road hog chain shot combo is a 1 hit and he can heal himself? There is no sense of balance at all in the game and I got that after 3 weeks of playing, why can't the devs see that?