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Active-Equivalent171 t1_itl95f9 wrote

How about get a job and sign up for heath insurance. I am insured through my employment. It was very easy.


Latyon t1_itlclvg wrote

Not all employers do it. And what about self-employment? Also a lot of insurance is fucking terrible, to the point where having it is practically useless


Snowing_Throwballs t1_itmqh4c wrote

What this brainlet you are responding to doesnt seem to get is that an employer holding vital healthcare access over your head like a carrot on a string is the issue. People are compelled to stay at shitty jobs because they have healthcare, despite the fact that they get paid like shit and have poor working conditions. If employers didnt have to provide healthcare to employees, they would have to pay their workers more and improve working conditions to retain labor. Employer provided healthcare is just another means of control. Additionally, people should not go into crippling debt just because their employer provided healthcare doesnt cover certain things. This dude's pull yourself up by your bootstraps argument is fucking stupid.


Latyon t1_itmrex2 wrote

Yeah, I figured that went without saying. Definitely emblematic of the "fuck you, got mine, fuck you harder if you're black" mindset that embodies current Republicans.


Supertrinko t1_itn1dh7 wrote

I was born and have healthcare. It was very easy.