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MakionGarvinus t1_itn1c1c wrote

In Canada, most hospitals around where my wife is from charge a $20-50 co-pay. That prevents people from coming in with a cold, and clogging the system just to be told to take a couple days rest. I think they do have a version of supplementary insurance that you can pay for, and get extra / 'better' care.


Supertrinko t1_itn21hn wrote

Couldn't that be better targeted by saying "If we determine that you come to the emergency room for a non-emergency, you'll be charged the co-pay fee."

In NZ, we pay $40 for a GP consult ($80 if it's a GP you aren't registered to), but it's free if you go to the hospital and hang around in triage until they finally get to you.

I would very much like it if hospitals just said "This could have been a GP visit, so pay us $80." It would stop people just using emergency rooms as a free doctor's visit.

But free doctor's visits could also help that.


MakionGarvinus t1_itn2d9q wrote

From what I've heard, it becomes a problem around areas with a lot of natives. $20 to 'hang out' stops that.


Supertrinko t1_itnfme4 wrote

In NZ, it's an issue with low socioeconic groups, which so happens to be "natives".