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matali OP t1_ixakigt wrote

Redditors were claiming > 75% took voluntary layoffs based on media rumors and #RIPTwitter trending. Looks like the number was actually only 27%, quite reasonable. And Twitter is very much alive.


TheUsher t1_ixcbiws wrote

why would anyone want to work there, who is not already? Excited about 120 hour weeks in the office?


Dalien88 t1_ixcisnb wrote

This post is the equivalent of that "Elon slams dick in car door" tweet.

In other words, right wingers only know how to double down on failure.


mmarollo t1_ixclk92 wrote

Lol! He fired all the people who hang out in places like this. No wonder y’all are salty.


DrWhat2003 t1_ixclmvf wrote

Stop being a twit, quit twitter.


Minute-Flan13 t1_ixcwded wrote

Prediction: if Twitter survives and thrives, tech workers are fucked.


Youvebeeneloned t1_ixd086q wrote

The tech bros who want the prestige of working with Musk and dont get that its an albatross now depending on the years you worked there will.

Those who have visas will be forced to.

Those who did not overextend themselves and are happy taking a lower 6 fig tech job like I have, which may not be prestigious but still pays the bills would steer FAR clear of them.


mitvitaminen t1_ixd3pae wrote

Who would want to work for Some1 beeing this inconsitent when it come to decisions?


No_Assist2955 t1_ixdfvgz wrote

OMG this guy is mental. YOU"RE ALL FIRED, no wait........


FreezingRobot t1_ixdn2n8 wrote

You're going to get a lot of college grads who don't know jack shit about anything (both in the technical and life experience sense), who are going to be super excited to join the company. They're going to get showered with the "You're a 10x engineer, you're a ninja coder!" bullshit from management, all while working way overtime for no extra money or benefits. They're going to tell themselves they love it for awhile, until they figure out nobody in the industry works like that except for them and they're being tricked. Then they'll move on.


littleMAS t1_ixdpkdk wrote

There are a lot of software engineers in China, and he has connections.


Butterbuddha t1_ixe3au0 wrote

That thumbnail looks like a guest appearance on SNL in the 90s


FreezingRobot t1_ixecgzd wrote

Oh absolutely. You see managers do this to all the twenty-somethings who have big egos, hinting that they're somehow better than the engineers who have been doing this for a decade or two or three. They're the ones sitting in the office in the dark at 7PM when the rest of us are at home with our families.

It usually sets in that this is bullshit when they get laid off for the first time.


AntifaDoesntExist t1_ixeidaq wrote

You're both idiots. Anybody with a shred of employability jumped off that train wreck. Any competent tech worker is steering far away from that dumpster fire. People will put up with bullshit to impact climate change or put people on mars. Nobody gives a fuck about enabling gaming bros safe spaces to drop hard Rs.


skunksmasher t1_ixex4gv wrote

And watch all the turds who will actually go and work for that jerk again.