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Green-Cruiser t1_iy5jk2j wrote

Saved you a click: is about farming protein using bacteria farms instead of conventional methods.


ToothlessGrandma t1_iy5nddp wrote

Not voting for Republicans would probably be the biggest thing that would help the planet in the shortest amount of time.


[deleted] t1_iy5nx0f wrote



GamemasterAI t1_iy5oi6n wrote

Eh only the ppl who wanna do something abt climate change would partake, if ppl wanna put their lives on the lines we can do more effective solutions.


keithcody t1_iy5sa5i wrote

The single biggest thing to affect climate change that any one person could do would be eating 1 billionaire.


Green-Cruiser t1_iy5o4ij wrote

And driving EVs instead of gas, and reducing the amount of meat, and putting solar/(new thorium)nuclear/renewables/storage everywhere we can afford to, and ending lobbying. There are plenty of things we can all do


ToothlessGrandma t1_iy5oayz wrote

That's why I said stop voting Republican. They're against all of this.


scipiotomyloo t1_iy5s3lp wrote

I’m totally on board for going green, but until I can buy a work van for less than $10k - I can’t go EV. I’m poor.


Green-Cruiser t1_iy5tpow wrote

At some point gas will be expensive enough to the point that converting a van to electric will be a no-brainer. If you only need the van to go under 100 miles/ charge you can get close for 10k.


usatovo t1_iy5uiqt wrote

I wonder if gas prices might actually fall substantially at some point over the next 10-20 years as more people buy EVs and demand for gas drops. I think that’s one of the reasons we need a legislative end date for fossil fuels, not just the old rely on the free market strategy.


Hei2 t1_iy62dgg wrote

I think what might happen is prices go up as production reduces due to reduced demand.


TeaKingMac t1_iy6dpn4 wrote


Also, I imagine they'll put a vice tax on it like they do alcohol and cigarettes


UltimateTrattles t1_iy8bw6n wrote

Even better than buying evs - let’s not build cities around cars and instead around people - and have reasonable transit.

The vast majority of cars sit empty, parked, for 90% of their life. They are an enormous waste.

We need to move to a norm where the average person doesn’t own a car and has no reason to.


Green-Cruiser t1_iy8i4gl wrote

I like your idea but rebuilding a city is harder than converting the cars to EV.


UltimateTrattles t1_iy8ida7 wrote

We don’t need to rebuild.

We just need to stop building giant single family suburbs.

We are actively STILL building more areas like this.

We need to zone for mixed use - not strictly residential. It does not require rebuilding. Simply fixing zoning will start to sort the problem out.


Green-Cruiser t1_iy8j95d wrote

👍 I'm a big fan of changing the way we build moving forward


VinnyViddyVicci t1_iy5up77 wrote

Dissolving both Parties (as if there are only 2 to begin with), losing the labels, reestablishing Civil Discourse, listening to Understand each other, seeking Common Ground for the Greater Good, and voting issues instead of functioning under Tribal Loyalty would be at least twice as effective.


Cold_Turkey_Cutlet t1_iy7eqdx wrote

So either do something completely impossible, or just stop voting Republican. One solution may be "at least twice as effective" but it's also completely impossible and overly idealistic. Americans need to stop letting perfect be the enemy of good and just STOP VOTING FOR REPUBLICANS. You can think about reaching some kind of utopia when you've cleared that very very short hurdle and stop voted for the fascist party that wants to take all your rights away.


VinnyViddyVicci t1_iyajqy7 wrote

It is not impossible, but such thinking that makes it so. It's actually quite simple. In fact, with a little Civil Discourse and Unity, we have changed the world time and again, and We The People can do it again.

It's happening even now, all around the globe.

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."

Margaret Mead


Cold_Turkey_Cutlet t1_iyakdvq wrote

Ok you're right. It is possible. But the first step will HAVE to be for people to stop voting Republican. Without that first step, the rest of it is impossible because Republican politicians will make sure it's impossible.


VinnyViddyVicci t1_iyao4jw wrote

Have you ever had a conversation with a Republican?

Not an argument, not a debate, not scrolling through quips and recaps of what someone says someone else meant, nor hanging on every word from Democratic Media outlets, but an actual discussion?

I was thinking earlier today about how people with staunch political opinion who "belong to a party" rarely ever have civil conversations with members of the other party; rather, the vast majority work to avoid cognitive dissonance and surround themselves with like-minded people instead. It's what algorithms and Feeds are all predicated on.

But in contrast, there are numerous posts on Reddit today depicting Unity between people from warring countries, all in the name of human decency and sportsmanship.

The first step is to sit down and have a conversation in which the objective for each participant is to understand, not to be right, nor to even be understood.

It's as simple as identifying an issue, having a conversation about pros and cons, listening to each other, reasoning with one another for the greater good, and then affecting change to that end.

Bumper stickers, flags on pick-up trucks, signs in yards and all the aggressive Fuck Biden / Fuck Trump / Let's Go Brandon propaganda of today is doing absolutely nothing but to create and perpetuate the same old discord and division. It's not changing anyone's mind, and it is not affecting the change that we ALL want.

The collective cries of the human race have not changed, my friend. We The People want a Utopia, do we not?

The primary difference between a Democrat and a Republican is essentially which side of the House they're sitting in.

Both parties are riddled with corruption; both parties work for Corporations, money, power, property, and prestige; neither party is enriching nor improving the lives of the people. It's a revolving door that spins both ways on the same axis.

We The People - 2🌏24

Dissolve the Parties/Unite the People.


Cold_Turkey_Cutlet t1_iyay6fk wrote

Idealistic solutions with absolutely no chance of being implemented in the real world. Everything you wrote is meaningless fluff in the real world.


VinnyViddyVicci t1_iyayl0k wrote

That's what Quitters say. 😉


Cold_Turkey_Cutlet t1_iyays3h wrote

Cool. I hope that quip makes you feel better about the fact that the parties will never be dissolved in some magical moment of togetherness where humanity suddenly forgets the deep psychological division that goes back hundreds of years.


AREssshhhk t1_iy6c82l wrote

Yah because politicians with D in front of their name will save you from climate change


Skud_NZ t1_iy72qmu wrote

I can't tell if it's a clickbait title or if it's true, leaning towards clickbait


postart777 t1_iy616p3 wrote

"The microbes they breed feed on hydrogen or methanol – which can be made with renewable electricity – combined with water, carbon dioxide and a very small amount of fertiliser. They produce a flour that contains roughly 60% protein, a much higherconcentration than any major crop can achieve (soy beans contain 37%,chick peas, 20%)."

We eat delicious, delicious cheese, and tasty bread, both using bacteria. If microbe flour could be scaled up, it could indeed solve world food mismanagement, and inspire endless varieties of local cuisines made from high protein microbe flour. (rebranded as something more palatable, like micro grain flour).


SBBurzmali t1_iy6v1hn wrote

That really depends on what it takes to scale that up to industrial levels. Wheat currently is capable of growing in dirt under the open sky, if this process requires temperature controlled sealed tanks that have to be kept in sterile conditions, this is not a viable solution.


cittatva t1_iy7uk3e wrote

Often bacteria cultures are very tolerant of less than sterile conditions. Yogurt, kombucha, kimchi, sauerkraut, miso, etc.


SBBurzmali t1_iy7v8a3 wrote

It isn't so much the culture dying that'd be the issue so much as something else, like say regular old normal yeast that is found pretty much everywhere, making itself at home and spoiling the batch.


cittatva t1_iy7ubs9 wrote

I’d like to see it not so much scaled to industrial production levels as developed for local open-source or DIY use. Part of the problem with industrial food production is the distribution that follows it. Food packaging, transportation, getting food to consumers before it expires. If local communities could provide their own high quality protein flour, this would solve a lot of problems.


Triphin1 t1_iy5tugm wrote

I put brewers yeast in my yourgut already, so yes


techhouseliving t1_iy5stpy wrote

The FDA just approved a vat grown steak, first approval of it's kind in the US.

It's a big deal.


saraphilipp t1_iy5virn wrote

The cocaine producing tobacco plant?


JimJalinsky t1_iy67wp6 wrote

Co-locating solar on top of and around precision fermentation factories could provide economically advantageous synergies for both.


Captain_N1 t1_iy6vvvd wrote

lol and again there is no mention of the most important green technology for power generation: fusion reactors.


dcheesi t1_iy5raqo wrote

Not all of us; my gout and my wife's migraines beg to differ (both conditions are aggravated by fermented food/drink)


JimJalinsky t1_iy67l0i wrote

Fermentation can produce many different compounds. Are you sure you're not referring to the byproducts of historically common fermentation based products like pickling, sauerkraut, kombucha, etc. that contain lactic acid?


ducvette t1_iy74nmg wrote

I’m good with my steaks thanks


gurenkagurenda t1_iy7wgaa wrote

How do you know if someone is a meat eater?


ducvette t1_iy82x6k wrote

I don’t, that’s why I said “I’m” good with eating steak


gurenkagurenda t1_iy8iuuf wrote

The end of the joke is “Don’t worry, they’ll tell you.”


ahfoo t1_iy8og21 wrote

Here is what all these synthetic protein stories miss though: this was done long ago and shot down by the retailers. The retailers won't carry these products unless they are priced at a level that keeps them more expensive than conventional alternatives.

These alternatives can be sold on the shelves of existing retailers, but they can't be sold at a price that will hurt the sales of existing meat and dairy. Now that might sound like some kind of wild conspiracy theory if it weren't for the fact that we can point to technology very similar to that mentioned in this piece that was tried long ago and pushed out by the retailers. It was originally developed in the 1960s. It was also based on a methane gas feedstock using fungus to produce protein. The product was generically called mycoprotein:

And it was brought to market in the UK under the brand name Quorn starting in the 1980s after the government funded technology was transferred to a private company:

But the part that they leave out of the Wikipedia article is why this product was over-priced. The company failed once already because their sales were so poor and this was due to the high price. The high price was not because of the manufacturing cost, it was because the retailers refused to carry a product that would cannibalize their meat, dairy and egg sales. They would only carry it if it was expensive and in that case everyone would win --except the customers. The customers are what's really for dinner in the eye of the retailer and you can't change that and simultaneously allow the retailers to be in the driver's seat. If you think someone is prepared to take the retailers out of the driver's seat. I'd like to know their name.

I think in the US, Bernie Sanders might have been such a guy but we saw what happened to him. Just like cheap protein alternatives, politicians like Bernie Sanders are not allowed by the guys who are in control and those are the billionaires who own the retail shops you buy stuff at. They're the real enemy and unfortunately they are also your boss. What you gonna do about it? I think the answer is you're gonna pay whatever they tell you to pay and that means you're not going to see the drama that the guy who wrote this piece is predicting. Look to the past to see the future.


shaokim t1_iy79fmc wrote

Reboot Food

>Imagine producing the entire world’s protein on an area of land the size of Greater London. Imagine rewilding 3/4s of today’s farmland.
Imagine eating guilt-free meat, milk and cheese without ever having killed an animal. Imagine providing abundant food to the world’s poorest.