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pontiacfirebird92 t1_iunwwq1 wrote

I think you misunderstood my point. TikTok and Facebook are cut from the same cloth and have the same issues. And I'm in agreement with you because there's some shady shit going on with TikTok which is why I also don't and won't get an account.

The problem is when you have a population of people who single out TikTok while forgiving other platforms that are as bad simply because they are critical of their favored politician. After the Trump rally incident he spoke out against TikTok and at that point it became a solid "left vs right" issue (like many of the normally non-partisan things Trump attacked with his rhetoric). Meanwhile Facebook was allowing straight-up right wing propaganda on its platform but that same crowd happily overlooked it. Call me ignorant but, like the Colin Kaepernick kneeling issue, it didn't have an uproar until Trump tweeted about it. And the uproar was clearly from the right-wing crowd. Again like the Colin Kaepernick issue it shouldn't be a "left vs right" issue but it is. Centered around Trump's ire at TikTok for messing up his rally.


thune123 t1_iuo0d0q wrote

It's only a left vs right issue if that is the way you view it. I am pretty confident that most people have no idea that there is any left vs right augments when it comes to tik tok. Honestly, I had forgotten about the trump incident until you mentioned in your previous comment. I think you would be surprised by how removed the average person is from the online news cycle and political positionings that you see on news sites and social media. Of course the right is a more tribe based and tend to just believe whatever they are fed but I have never seen any pro tik tok right based protests or the left saying we should keep tik tok purely based on the rightwing distain for it. I could be wrong but I think you are over estimating how righteous people feel about tik tok based on their political affiliations.

I don't think I misunderstood your point, I was just arguing that on the larger scale, the issue isn't platform vs platform but nation vs nation. If tok-tok was run by Canada I would have way less of an issue with it. Usa and China are currently in a technological cold war. There is a reason Biden just put a ban on certain type of chips being sent to China. It is because we are in an information war. Tik tok is very powerful tool in the in regards to that. At least with Facebook the government has some sort of power over the company. With Tok-tok they can't do much besides ban it out right.