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Miaopao t1_ixz6y1h wrote

I feel like the worst part is the addiction.


cyberfrog777 t1_ixzhjo4 wrote

Nicotine dependence and withdrawal can be uncomfortable, but the worst consequences are from smoking and all the carcinogens that come with that method of intake. Nicotine by itself is not carcinogenic. Chronic nicotine use can change brain neurobiology in various ways and affect how people deal with stress, sleep, and general reward. But the smoking part is what kills people and has the most harmful health effects


Jokey665 t1_ixzkjgh wrote

what about mouth cancer and whatever from chewing tobacco?


cyberfrog777 t1_ixzo5n3 wrote

It's true, those can cause cancer as well, but not from nicotine. It's from all the other junk that is in the chew. On a public health scale though, the harms from smoking far outweigh chew.


AirportLower101 t1_iy0e3qk wrote

Chewing Tabasco causes mouth cancer, But nicotine gum does not


pcj t1_iy1urd1 wrote

I don't see chewing Tabasco really taking off though, except in some niche cases.


idk-maaaan t1_iy2w451 wrote

Idk, I think the chewing Tabasco trend is just starting to heat up


AirportLower101 t1_iy9v8al wrote

It’s certainly a big thing, But I live in the southern US so it’s biased


pcj t1_iy9vdf2 wrote

Really? Seems like it'd be pretty spicy.


Miaopao t1_ixztv77 wrote

The smoking part is definitely worss imo, but I was thinking about nicotine pouches that you can buy.


cyberfrog777 t1_iy02tjp wrote

If you are talking about snus, they aren't harm free but would be considered a form of harm reduction. Last I ready,can still potentially lead to various oral cancers, but at reduced risk.


Miaopao t1_iy0b58e wrote

No, I'm talking about just nicotine pouches. They're always on sale at 7-11 lol. They're a form of Salt Nic.


cyberfrog777 t1_iy0bx17 wrote

Interesting, I'm not familiar with this product. Looks to be relatively new and little is known about them. So, no data on efficacy or comparative nicotine delivery to other nicotine products. For now, seems relatively harmless compared to cigs, but gum irritation seems to be a potential issue.


AirportLower101 t1_iy0e7uk wrote

The labels here read a cancer warning, I don’t know why


SSJ2-Gohan t1_iy0ntez wrote

If you're in California, your microwave probably has a Prop 65 cancer warning on it because eating the plastic would be carcinogenic or something. Where I live, tobacco-free nicotine products only have addiction warnings


Miaopao t1_iy0egdl wrote

Dang really? Our doesn't. Just that Nicotine is an addictive chemical.