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khalavaster t1_iwyb1mo wrote

In other words, "I'm going to do it again but be way smarter about it."


EelTeamNine t1_iwyb4pd wrote

She'll be 50 when she finishes her sentence (I don't think she's eligible for any parole bring a federal conviction) and nobody is going to want to nor have reason to work with her in biomed.


spelunk_in_ya_badonk t1_iwyc4zx wrote

There’s no shortage of people desperate to get rich quick. I bet she’ll have no problem concocting another scam. Next time it’ll probably be some scam where she doesn’t even have to deliver a product. Who knows what types of new securities fraud she’ll be able to commit a decade from now


LastCall2021 t1_iwycnxe wrote

I’m not so sure. She kind of lucked into this ‘female Steve Jobs’ zeitgeist at a time when it seemed like that’s what the world was looking for.

But the reality is she’s not some genius, just a college drop out who was never that smart in the first place. There was that conference where actual tech people were asking her probing questions and seemed gobsmacked by her non answers.

For some reason it took awhile before the rest of the world caught on. People like their zeitgeists. But now it’s pretty clear she’s just a bimbo trying to fake her way into fame and fortune. She’s not coming back from this.


Anachron101 t1_iwydc9z wrote

The amount of people willing to make money even though it means creating people like her or Apartheid Elon is one of the reasons why shit like this happens constantly.


Asimpbarb t1_iwydh75 wrote

11 years is way to short, 20 years no parol would’ve been better. Don’t care to much about the money, but her fake diagnosis hurt ppl.


Heisenberg991 t1_iwye25z wrote

I'm going to rise again with the 100 million bucks I buried in my parent's backyard.


plsnthnks t1_iwye6ms wrote

Maybe she can sell raw water with the juicero guy


HaywireVRV t1_iwyeatk wrote

She won’t rise again.

“Fool me once, shame on - shame on you. Fool me - you can't get fooled again.”


ShartedAtCVS t1_iwyflx2 wrote

Cool, well she can try again in 11 years then.


meaculpa303 t1_iwygcc9 wrote

I hear Billy McFarland (Fyre Festival) is looking for a new partner.


Lighthazle t1_iwygdmu wrote

She has the same eyes as Zuckerberg.


UnkindlyDisagree t1_iwygk4y wrote

That's shady marketing on a product that exists. Tesla cars exist. SpaceX rockets exist. Starlink satellites exist. The Boring Tunnel exists.

It's idiotic to compare those to Theranos, which as a company never delivered a single product.

I am truly amazed I have to explain this. Don't be greedy with your chromosomes my dudes.


346_ME t1_iwyhazb wrote

Ah yes that’s good 😂😂😂

Someone who hasn’t learned her lesson and has an ego 100x larger than her intelligence. She needs to go away and be sentenced to community service for the rest of her life.


Science_Matters_100 t1_iwyhfhv wrote

Got approached to invest in that one. It didn’t make sense, getting all of that from a couple of drops of blood, if you know a bit about lab work and infections, etc.

I know someone who lost six figures, though. Smh


royaltrux t1_iwyhgaz wrote

Gonna invent a new soda company, "Gen Pop"


Sinuminnati t1_iwyhiv4 wrote

If Martha Stewart can do it, why not EZ Holmes.


Timbershoe t1_iwyhlkm wrote

That’s because you made the mistake of thinking this is a sub about technology.

It isn’t. People don’t discuss the technology and are largely technologically illiterate.

It’s about the high level potential impact of technology, and generally a focus on specific dislikable individuals with high profiles. Cause that’s easy karma points.


micheal1856 t1_iwyhtgy wrote

Well she has 11 years to think about how to do it.


Carrot_8244 t1_iwyidel wrote

A book on her experience, interviews, web series on theranos would be a good money for her post release.

If Netflix is present by then, remember this common man giving you ideas.


twjohnston t1_iwyizc4 wrote

You realize that religion exists, right?

Like, adult humans not only believe in a magical sky daddy, but also shape their lives and attempt to shape the lives of others based on their belief in said magical being.


WuriderX t1_iwyjuqs wrote

That is exactly how criminals think. They could be freshly arrested in the back of the police car and the only thing on their mind is how not to get caught next time.


boneheadbrown t1_iwyr729 wrote

Sounding like a damn Scooby-Doo villain.


HotFightingHistory t1_iwytbnw wrote

She gets court while the former owner of Nikola gets a new startup and millions in venture capital.


poop-machine t1_iwyvi80 wrote

She should team up with Sam Bankman-Fried for her comeback. That venture simply can't fail.


voodoovan t1_iwyxepi wrote

Let her do at least 15 years of prison first, before duping people again.


glibglab3000 t1_iwyxq2j wrote

My penis has told me the same thing.


i_have_chosen_a_name t1_iwyz9cl wrote

She will launch a crypto token and scam a bunch of people just like that Martin Shrekpilly guy or whatever his face is called did as soon as came out of jail. He went straight to Wall Street bets and crypto subs to scam them. And ofcourse they let him. Made more then 10 million within 2 months of getting out of jail. Apparently they bought know the secret to convince a fools money to part ways.


No_Assist2955 t1_iwz0llp wrote

Trumps new V.P candidate ? She meets many of his staffing criteria.


Jorycle t1_iwz1j1p wrote

Nothing tells you that cancel culture is a myth like Elizabeth Holmes having a chance to "rise again."

I'm sure those cancer patients who were told they were cancer free based on some fraudulent blood screenings really appreciate that.


TrustButVerifyFirst t1_iwz1p76 wrote

If as a fraudster, she can convince the son of a wealthy family to marry and impregnate her, she can pretty much do anything.


woolypully t1_iwz2wo0 wrote

That's because narcissists never feel like they lost. They feel like the other side cheated.


NekoCatSidhe t1_iwz3s69 wrote

What Holmes was selling is a product that already exists too. It is called a Lab-on-a-chip, a device used to make analysis on very small amounts of blood. Just google it if you don’t believe me. It was also already sold commercially before she even dropped out of college, and it is very high tech product that takes a lot of research and investment to design and manufacture, and there was no way a college dropout could actually make one.

But somehow she was able to sell it as something that was actually new and innovative, but was unable to use the money raised from investors to hire a team of competent engineers to design her own Lab-on-a-chip before some journalist found out she was actually using the ones made by other companies and using her investors’ money for that. If she had been better at hiring competent people and managing them, she could have succeeded, but she was just a narcissist crook, so she did not.

Personally, I think the only difference between her and Elon Musk is that Musk is better (or maybe just more lucky) at hiring competent people. He is not better at managing them (his antics at Twitter show that he is actually an extremely incompetent manager), but that was enough for him to have other people actually make the products he was selling and succeed. But they are both narcissist crooks, in my opinion. Musk is just a better crook : he is shady, but knows better than to do anything actually illegal.


mbasi t1_iwz3w1m wrote

Let's see how that tune sounds after a decade in prison. Things can change a LOT in that time


TigerUSF t1_iwz4tn7 wrote

after prison, She should be living in a 2 bedroom apartment making 40k a year. Like normal people. She should not be allowed access to run anything.


North_South_Side t1_iwz6qsc wrote

She's a weirdo narcissist and/or sociopath.

She belongs in jail, but so do many other people involved this this issue.


Independent-Still-73 t1_iwz72q3 wrote

85% of an 11 year Federal sentence is 9 years, I'm sure her ambition will wane


Eur1sk0 t1_iwz7xcc wrote

Human stupidity and greed is infinite.


antzcrashing t1_iwz8l06 wrote

Of course she does, and she probably will since she is 1100 times more famous than the first round, and America loves a comeback story. Also she will be out in 3 years tops


kenmlin t1_iwz8r48 wrote

I mean, she will only be fifty when she gets out of the prison.


ogbcthatsme t1_iwzat5c wrote

Bitch, you’re a felon. Fuck off!


dungone t1_iwzdomv wrote

Let's check on that ambition ten years from now.


becomplete t1_iwzg27o wrote

The treatment of white-collar criminals is absurd. If you want yet another example of the inherent inequity in our country, look no further.


Gideon_Effect t1_iwzhtgz wrote

If you lie, cheat and steal to get on top it appears to be acceptable now.


rimshot101 t1_iwzm17y wrote

I haven't followed this whole thing too closely, but the fact she got 11 years tells me one thing: she must've stolen from rich people.


BeKind_BeTheChange t1_iwzoy5m wrote

She is a greed-driven antisocial malignant narcissist psychopath. Did anybody expect remorse? I mean, come on.


derpoftheirish t1_iwzt19n wrote

Federal sentences are not able to be reduced more than 15%. She will serve minimum 85% of her sentence. Only way she's getting out in 3 years is if she gets her actual sentence reduced on appeal.


mdw233 t1_iwztpk0 wrote

Of course she does. Who wouldn't?

What should she want to do?


failbox3fixme t1_ix041dd wrote

She’s going to come out like Martha Stewart smelling like roses and still making mils.


ISAMU13 t1_ix1j4e0 wrote

"Damn right, I'll do it again."

She'll try crypto next. Blood Coin.


beehappy32 t1_ix1tnur wrote

She’s going to be close to 50 when she gets out and completely out of the loop with what’s going on in the business and tech world. And no one will want to work with her anyways


forbidden_soup t1_ix23894 wrote

A 'rise' insofar as fraudulence can raise crooks.


YesYesYesVeryGood t1_ix2ksds wrote

Dropout 2: Ambition to Rise Again

I wanna see a scene where Sunny Balwani is in court at his verdict being convicted of the 12 counts put against him, and in the end, someone asks... "Was it worth it Sunny? Was it worth taking her back in going through all this?"


YesYesYesVeryGood t1_ix2l2l6 wrote

Anna Delvey (Anna Sorokin) took up the spotlight involving Pharma Bro. They even included a scene of him [from the Netflix show: Inventing Anna] showing off music he bought the right too at an outing she was at with their high roller friends.


Neonmoon117 t1_ix3tyx9 wrote

Of course she does. She’s a sociopathic narcissist.