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unique_passive t1_iy0oqmp wrote

Never called that an urgent safety concern, so not sure why you’d throw some quotes around that like it’s something I said. It’s also irrelevant how easy you think it is to amend, I wouldn’t buy a car that you immediately need to put work into just to drive it in the rain. It’s a poorly designed car if it’s not fit for purpose.


balancedisbest t1_iy9nx2c wrote

>Never called that an urgent safety concern, so not sure why you’d throw some quotes around that like it’s something I said.

Yup that's a my bad, confused two comments.

While I do agree that there shouldnt be a frequent (naturally, one or two lemons will slip through) issues that need addressing right off delivery, if it was just weather sealing or maybe a slightly squeaking door etc, I personally wouldn't let that stop my purchase.